Special Edition Using HTML, Second Edition
Copyright © 1996 by Que Corporation.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Making copies of any part of this book for any purpose other than your own personal use is a violation of United States copyright laws. For information, address Que Corporation, 201 W. 103rd St., Indianapolis, IN 46290. You may reach Que's direct sales line by calling 1-800-428-5331.
ISBN: 0-7897-0758-6
HTML conversion by :
M/s. LeafWriters (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Website : http://leaf.stpn.soft.net
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President | Roland Elgey | Vice President and Publisher | Marie Butler-Knight |
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Indexer | Tom Dinse |
Tom Savola is the online technical director for Z. M. Interactive, a leading commercial Web developer (http://www.zmiweb.com/) whose recent sites include Universal City (http://www.mca.com/unicity), WaterWorld: Quest for the Mariner (http://www.mca.com/unicity/waterworld/), Jurassic Park-The Ride (http://www.mca.com/unicity/attractions/jp.html), and CityWalk on the Web (http://www.mca.com/citywalk). He is the author of Special Edition Using HTML (First Edition) and coauthor of Using HTML, both from Que Corporation. He teaches The Internet Workshop for Design Professionals, a four-day, hands-on workshop for media design specialists sponsored by Internet Solutions, Inc. (http://intersolutions.com/workshop/). Tom lives in Mill Creek, WA, with his wife, Laura, and cats, Cecil and Zoe. He can be reached by e-mail at savola@haywire.com, or via the Haywire Web site (http://www.haywire.com/).
John Jung has been a contributing author for almost half a dozen books. When he's not working on books, he has a day job that he thoroughly enjoys. As a professional systems administrator for a worldwide information services company, he's around computers all day. He takes a break from writing and working by watching TV, surfing the Net, and generally goofing off. You can reach John at his e-mail address: jjung@netcom.com.
Mark R. Brown has been writing computer magazine articles, books, and manuals for over 13 years. He was managing editor of .info magazine when it was named one of the six best computer magazines of 1991 by the Computer Press Association, and was nominated by the Software Publisher's Association for the 1988 Software Reviewer of the Year award. He is currently the manager of technical publications for Neural Applications Corporation, a major player in applying cutting-edge artificial intelligence techniques to industrial control applications, such as steel making and food processing. A bona fide personal computing pioneer, he hand-built his first PC in 1977, taught himself to program it in hexadecimal, and has since dabbled in dozens of different programming languages. He has been telecomputing since 1983, and is currently Webmaster of two World Wide Web sites: http://www.neural.com, and a personal Web site on the topic of airships which will have moved to a new URL by the time this is published. Mark is a life-long resident of Iowa. He enjoys reading and writing, gaming, Iowa Hawkeye Big 10 football, walks in the park with his dog, Bosco, and day trips through the Iowa countryside with his wife, Carol.
Bill Brandon is a human performance technologist: a designer of human systems to support mission-critical business outcomes. Many of these systems have as much to do with good design as with high technology. He has pursued this career in line and staff jobs since 1968. Along the way, Bill has been a manager of business units, classroom instructor and facilitator, author of computer-based training, and designer of World Wide Web sites and pages. He has coauthored four Que books since 1995, including Building Multimedia Applications with Visual Basic 4 and The Computer Trainer's Personal Training Guide. Bill is a frequent speaker at local, national, and international conferences. His leadership accomplishments include operating a forum for computer training and support professionals on CompuServe and serving as president of the Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter of the International Society for Performance Improvement. Bill received his B.A. in History from the University of Texas at Austin, where he first learned to program (FORTRAN I on an IBM 1620-II). He did postgraduate work in Human Behavior at the U.S. International University in San Diego, and has completed extensive training in neurolinguistic programming. Bill owns Accomplishment Technology Unlimited, and is carrying out projects in multimedia, training, and performance support for clients in a number of industries. He lives near Dallas with his wife of 25 years; they have two daughters. Bill's e-mail address is bill_brandon@msn.com. You can also reach him at 71316,516 on CompuServe.
Robert Meegan makes his living designing industrial control systems. He has been working with computers for a very long time. Robert can be reached at rmeegan@ia.net.
Kenneth Murphy is a freelance PERL programmer living in the beautiful city of Columbia, Mo. In his free time, you can usually find him reading up on the latest programming languages or working out at the gym. Somehow, in the midst of everything, he also finds time to work slowly toward a master's in computer science.
Jim O'Donnell was born on Oct. 17, 1963 (you may forward birthday greetings to odonnj@rpi.edu), in Pittsburgh, PA. After a number of unproductive years, he began his studies in electrical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He liked it so much that he spent 11 years there getting three degrees, graduating for the third (and final) time in the summer of 1992. He can now be found plying his trade at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (which takes a tolerant, though hardly enthusiastic view, of his writing endeavors). He's not a rocket scientist, but he's close. O'Donnell's first experience with a "personal" computer was in high school with a South-west Technical Products computer using a paper tape storage device, quickly graduating to a TRS-80 Model II with cassette tape storage. His fate as a computer geek was sealed when Rensselaer gave him an Atari 800 as part of a scholarship. O'Donnell doesn't actually own a Windows PC, but expects to take the plunge, soon. Wish him luck.
Stephen R. Pietrowicz lives with his wife, Mary, and his daughter, Sarah, in Champaign, IL. For the past 10 years he has worked as a UNIX programmer in a variety of different areas including security, networking, Motif/X Window, and real-time operating systems. Most recently, he was part of the Mosaic for X Window team at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), home of the Mosaic web browser. He is now developing new Internet tools using Java at NCSA.
This book is made possible by more than a bunch of knowledgeable writers. First and foremost, we would like extend our deepest thanks to everybody at Que. In particular, we'd like to thank Doshia Stewart and Mark Cierzniak- Doshia for her patience, guidance, and encouragement, and Mark for his sharp eye in spotting when our writing wandered. These two people were the ones most responsible for making this book the best it possibly could be.
Mark Brown would like to personally thank Oran Sands for bringing him in the door at Que; Jim Oldfield for giving him his first chance (many, many years ago) to write professionally; Benn Dunnington for an intense eight-year apprenticeship that taught him to write as well as humanly possible under impossible deadlines; and Mr. Buxton, his seventh grade English teacher, who told him that he could be a writer if he only put his mind to it.
John Jung would like to personally thank a few of his friends. He'd like to thank Warren Ernst for his support and encouragement, for getting him started in book writing. If it wern't for him, John might not have tried his hand at writing one more time. Also thanks go out to Steve Ma and Argelia and Alex Osorio, for being his unwitting target audience. Whenever he needed to think about who he was writing for, one of them came to mind. Finally, John's deepest and most heartfelt thanks go to April Dean, for always reminding him about the important things in life. Her presence was always felt to let him know just why he was putting all those words to paper.
Finally, we would like to thank each of our families for their support. The writing sometimes got hectic and pressured, and their putting up with us didn't go unnoticed.
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