by Jim O'Donnell
HTML pages are like annotated bibliographies: they give you the opportunity to expand on an endless variety of topics and present additional factual or thematic resources to further explore a subject.
Of course, HTML pages are also like gossip magazines: sooner or later you'll see just about everything on them.
But regardless of how anyone perceives HTML, everyone who uses it speaks the same language. Elements, tags, anchors, hyperlinks, URLs, and attributes: they're all part of the lexicon of the Web's documents. To create inspired Web pages (and to cast a critical eye on those already on the Web), you need to have an intimate familiarity with the building blocks of HTML.
This chapter answers the following questions:
HTML is a subset of SGML (Standardized General Markup Language). SGML documents are more complex and programming-like than HTML. Figure 4.1 shows how an SGML document describes the HTML standard (the figure is, in fact, the SGML declaration for HTML-the SGML document that defines HTML).
Figure 4.1 : SGML coding provides machine-level display format and function commands.
HTML resembles simplified SGML. The observation that SGML is to
HTML as HTML is to plain text seems reasonable on the surface.
When you take a look under the hood, though, it's easy to see
how HTML shares the advantages of both systems of marking text.
Troubleshooting |
SGML seems very complicated. How do I find out more about it? SGML is not for the faint of heart, as the code in figure 4.1 suggests. SGML code constructs are not based as much in "plain English" as HTML is. The following text is written in SGML, describing how the HTML element BLOCKQUOTE is used: <!ELEMENT (%blockquote) - - %body.content> How would that read in English? The BLOCKQUOTE element is a container for text in the BODY section (%body.content); it does not have any defined arguments that affect its use or how its contents are displayed (no options are listed under the %attrs; or %needs; categories). SGML is a full-bodied language for defining text function and formatting that many users have remained loyal to with the arrival of HTML. HTML's use of English language editing markup elements is a key reason for the popularity and success of the World Wide Web. A good way to learn a little more about SGML might be the "Gentle Introduction to SGML," available at This is a PostScript file and can be read by printing it on a PostScript printer. |
In his World Wide Web Research Notebook
Daniel Connolly outlines the advantages and disadvantages to carrying over SGML practices and constructs into the current HTML standard.
These are the benefits of using SGML to define HTML:
HTML's strength comes from its combination of SGML machine-level constructs (the tags and elements that tell a viewer the purpose of document text) and standard English text markup notation.
For example, the <B> container tag is mnemonically correct (it stands for bold), and it signals a format change to the document's viewing software, which changes the display format of the following text. When the viewer comes across the </B> closing tag, which tells it to turn off the bold attribute, it returns to the previous text formatting.
The versatility of SGML and HTML is becoming widely acknowledged
as they are adopted as hypertext document standards by more content
managers, including the federal and many state governments.
Creating the Standards |
The HTML standard is constantly under development. Users and developers from around the world contribute to the on-going discourse and testing of new ideas, concepts, and uses for HTML and its component elements. One user who provided an enormous amount of time and energy in this process is Daniel Connolly ( of the W3 Consortium at MIT. He outlined standards for the standards; he provided the following guidelines for the HTML development team to assist them in writing the current and upcoming specifications for HTML. The goal of any HTML specification should be to promote confidence in the fidelity of communications using HTML. This means specifications need to adhere to the following standards:
You can get more information about the ongoing HTML standards process from Daniel Connolly's Web page: or by reading chapter 8, "Common Conventions in HTML Documents." |
It's debatable who has contributed more to the "acronymization" of our culture. In a world where ATM can have two totally different meanings (one's great for convenience banking and the other for high-speed data networking), you might expect a language like HTML (itself an acronym) to continue the tradition.
And it does. From its elements-UL stands for, appropriately enough, un-ordered list-to its parent language SGML, HTML is defined by acronyms. An acronym defines HTML as well-HTML's DTD.
DTD stands for Document Type Definition. It's a document that describes the HTML language, its elements, and their legal uses. The HTML DTD has many levels that pertain to different categories of use or compatibility with the HTML standard. These levels are:
The HTML DTD is written in SGML and can be difficult to interpret. Figure 4.2 shows a portion of the HTML DTD for Level 0 (for the complete DTD, see appendix A, "HTML Tags"). The document coding is complex and difficult to read; it's not meant entirely to be read by people, but by SGML interpreters. Don't be surprised if it makes no sense to you-it doesn't to the vast majority of people.
Annotated versions of the HTML DTD make it easier for developers and end users to verify conformity issues. Daniel Connolly maintains one popular version, and you can find it at:
The Web sites listed in appendix D, "WWW Bibliography," collect other descriptions of the various HTML standards.
It is possible to check your HTML documents for conformance with HTML standards. The Webtechs HTML Validation Service can be found at:
As shown in figures 4.3 and 4.4, you can check for conformance at different levels, and supply the HTML document either as a URL to an existing document (see figure 4.3) or by directly inputting the HTML (see fig. 4.4).
After you submit your URL or HTML code, the Webtechs service will analyze it and return a report such as that shown in figure 4.5. If it conforms to the HTML 2.0 standard, you are invited to include the validation icon on your web pages.
HTML is composed of elements, or instructions, to WWW viewers to perform a defined task (make text bold, insert a paragraph break, or format and number a list in a predetermined manner). HTML tags consist of individual elements inside angle brackets. Figure 4.6 shows a few typical elements and how they are written in tag format.
Figure 4.6 : HTML tags are "invisible" when
the WWW viewer displays the document.
Troubleshooting |
If WWW viewers read HTML tags as instructions, how did you show them in figure 4.6? Why didn't the viewer just mark up the text in the tags?
Displaying the HTML tags in the previous figure was not as easy as it looks. Because Web viewers look for tags as signals to format text, all occurrences of tags are supposed to be interpreted. To get around this handicap (after all, the software is just doing its job), HTML provides a list of text entities that viewers will interpret as certain ASCII characters. For example, to write a line that the viewer will display as <TITLE>The Battles of World War Two</TITLE> you must use entities for the angle bracket characters. HTML defines the "less than" bracket (<) as < and the "greater than" bracket (>) as >. Therefore, the previous line would be written in the HTML document as <TITLE>The Battles of World War Two</TITLE> |
As the name implies, HTML marks up text in a document by defining the specific formatting for sections of the document. HTML is a hybrid, using some elements to define the abstract value of text (such as "emphasized") and others to define the actual on-screen representation in the WWW viewer's window (such as "italicized"). This "split personality" created quite a controversy in the authoring community, spawning two camps of thought that support the different uses of HTML markup.
Unlike the file systems of some operating systems, HTML element
names are case independent. You can write tags with any mixture
of upper and lowercase characters. For example, you can write
one tag that defines the formatting of a section of text as <BLOCKQUOTE>,
<blockquote>, <BlockQuote>, or any capitalization
combination. Some authors use unorthodox capitalization schemes,
such as <bLocKquOtE>, but that doesn't make for easy-to-read
HTML, and your site administrator probably discourages this brand
of "net.hipness."
Note |
This book's convention of using all uppercase characters in HTML tags is for legibility only; feel free to use whatever scheme you're most comfortable with in your own documents, or whatever conforms to your Web site's HTML document style sheet-if there is one. |
HTML uses two types of elements: empty (or open) and container tags. These tags differ because of what they represent. Empty tags represent formatting constructs, such as line breaks and horizontal rules. These tags indicate "one time" instructions that WWW viewers can read and execute without concern for any other HTML construction or document text.
Container tags define a section of text (or of the document itself) and specify the formatting or construction for all of the selected text. A container tag has both a beginning and an ending: the ending tag is identical to the beginning tag, with the addition of a forward slash. Most containers can overlap and hold other containers or empty tags (see fig. 4.7).
I'm not talking about disagreements between tags in HTML documents. Like command-line applications, many HTML elements use additional parameters (known as arguments or attributes) to increase their functionality. These arguments are passed on to the client software and affect the way the element is applied to the section of text (or, with empty tags, how the tag's construct is displayed in the viewing software's window).
For example, the anchor element uses arguments to define the function of the anchor (whether it's a marker or a hypertext link to another document or anchor). So, a document can contain links to specific sections of text and named anchors at those text locations (see fig. 4.8). Notice that the parameters are contained in the tag's angle brackets.
In this example, the last line in the list
<LI><A HREF="#Anzio">Battle of AnzioD-Day</A>
is an anchor that points to a named anchor somewhere else in the document. The named anchor it points to would be found in a line such as
<A NAME="Anzio"><H1>The Battle of Anzio</H1></A>
When the user clicks the list item D-Day in the viewed document,
the WWW browser would jump immediately to the associated named
Caution |
Underlining and colored borders (such as red or green) are used in some Web pages to indicate hyperlink text and graphics, but these don't print well. |
Some WWW viewers, notably Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet
Explorer, provide support for non-standard arguments that primarily
affect the display of the HTML text in the viewer's window. WWW
viewers that don't support non-standard elements or arguments
just ignore them. Non-standard usage is noted in chapters 15 and
Note |
If you incorporate non-standard HTML in your own documents, let users know with a simple statement at the head of your "entry-point" document (usually the "Welcome" or introduction page). This way, they know that a given browser displays your Web pages as you intended them to be seen. Both Netscape and Microsoft have programs that allow you to include special messages and icons on your web pages indicating that they are best viewed with their browsers. |
Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 provide a brief overview of some of more
common HTML elements found in different sections of HTML documents.
These tables don't include arguments but they do include the element's
tag type. The entire HTML document should be contained in the
HTML container element. For a complete description of each element
and its associated arguments, see appendix A.
Element | Element Type | Description |
BASE | empty | Base context document |
HEAD | container | Document head |
ISINDEX | empty | Document is a searchable index |
LINK | empty | Link from this document |
META | container | Generic meta-information |
NEXTID | empty | Next ID to use for link name |
TITLE | container | Title of document |
Element | Element Type | Description |
A | container | Anchor: source and/or destination of a link |
ADDRESS | container | Address, signature, or byline for a document or passage |
B | container | Bold text |
BLOCKQUOTE | container | Quoted passage |
BODY | container | Document body |
BR | empty | Line break |
CITE | container | Name or title of cited work |
CODE | container | Source code phrase |
DD | empty | Definition of term |
DIR | container | Directory list |
DL | container | Definition list, or glossary |
DT | empty | Term in definition list |
EM | container | Emphasized phrase |
H1 | container | Heading, level 1 |
H2 | container | Heading, level 2 |
H3 | container | Heading, level 3 |
H4 | container | Heading, level 4 |
H5 | container | Heading, level 5 |
H6 | container | Heading, level 6 |
HR | empty | Horizontal rule |
I | container | Italic text |
IMG | empty | Image; icon, glyph, or illustration |
KBD | container | Keyboard phrase, such as user input |
LI | empty | List item |
LISTING | container | Computer listing |
MENU | container | Menu list |
OL | container | Ordered or numbered list |
P | empty | Paragraph |
PRE | container | Preformatted text |
SAMP | container | Sample text or characters |
SELECT | empty | Selection of option(s) |
STRONG | container | Strong emphasis |
TT | container | Typewriter text |
UL | container | Unordered list |
VAR | container | Variable phrase or substitutable |
XMP | container | Example section |
Note |
As the HTML standard changes, elements will be deprecated, or replaced by new elements with greater functionality. Deprecated elements will still be supported by existing WWW viewers but may not be in the future. Be prepared to review your older HTML documents for deprecated elements that may no longer be useful. |
Element | Element Type | Description |
FORM | container | Fill-out or data-entry form |
INPUT | empty | Form input datum |
TEXTAREA | empty | Area for text input |
OPTION | empty | Selection option |