Chapter 25

Real-Life Examples IV: Adding Interactivity


Now that you've learned the rest of the story, you're going to create and configure some forms for your site. You'll take the tasks you've learned in this section and work them in with the pages you've already created! Forms add a lot of interactivity and interest to a site-besides, they're fun to design!

Creating a Guest Book

The forms you create in this chapter will utilize the FrontPage bots, which means that in order to test them you'll need to have the FrontPage Personal Web Server, Microsoft Personal Web Server, or Internet Information Server running with the FrontPage Server Extensions installed. The first form you complete will be the Guest Book. You already have a page called guests.htm (Guests of My World) in your web that you can use.

To complete your guest book, follow these steps:

  1. From the FrontPage Editor, choose File | Open (Ctrl+O) or select the Open button on the Standard toolbar. The Open File dialog box appears.
  2. Click at the beginning of the title that reads "Guests of My World." Choose Insert | Image. The Image dialog box appears.
  3. Select the Other Location tab. Choose the From File radio button, and click the Browse button to locate animbook.gif on the CD that accompanies this book. Double-click the filename to place the animated GIF on your page. This is an animated GIF that already has transparency added to it. Don't make any changes to the animation unless you have an application that allows you to modify animated GIFs.
  4. Click the animated GIF and press Alt+Enter. The Image Properties dialog box appears.
  5. Select the Appearance tab. From the Alignment drop-down menu in the Layout section, choose left.
  6. Choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor. The text wraps around the animated GIF. Your page should look as shown in Figure 25.1.
    Figure 25.1 : An animated guest book has been added to the top of the page.

Creating the Form

Now you'll create a form that you will paste into your guest book page. To use the Form Page Wizard, you have to create a new page, so follow these steps to create your guest book form:

  1. Choose File | New (Ctrl+N). The New Page dialog box appears. Select the Form Page Wizard and choose OK.
  2. When the introductory screen appears, click Next to continue.
  3. Leave the Page URL and Page Title fields as they are, and click Next to continue.
  4. Click the Add button and choose to add a contact information question. For the prompt, enter something like the following:
    Let us know who you are! We'd appreciate it if you could at least add your name and location to the list. Contact information is optional.
  5. Click Next to continue and choose to add the following fields:
    Postal address
    E-mail address
    Web address (URL)
  6. In the "Enter the base name for this group of variables" field, leave the variable name as Contact and click Next to continue.
  7. Click Add, and choose to add a paragraph question. For the prompt, enter something like the following:
    Tell us what you think of the site. Your comments will be added to our Guest Book log.
  8. Click Next to continue. In the Enter the name of a variable to hold this answer field, enter Comments.
  9. Click Next to proceed to the final screen, and then click Finish to generate the form; it should look like the one shown in Figure 25.2.
    Figure 25.2 : Your guests will use portions of this form to add their comments to your page.

Editing the Form and the Form Fields

You need to edit the fields' properties to assign shorter names that are more applicable to the form. These values are those that will be passed to the form handler for use in the confirmation form and the results file. Currently, these names are preceded by the word Contact, which you want to eliminate.

Some other small modifications have to be made, too. For example, all the form fields are 256 characters long, except for the URL form field, which contains only 25 characters. This might not be long enough for your guest to add his or her URL. Also, you need to increase the width of the scrolling text box a little to give the form a more balanced look.

To edit the form and the form fields, follow these steps:

  1. From the Contact Information section, position your cursor at the left of the table to select the six rows that begin with Street address and end with Country. Press the Delete key. You should have Name, E-mail, and URL remaining in the top table.
  2. Click the Name text box and press Alt+Enter. The Text Box Properties dialog box appears. In the Name field, enter Name. Choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor.
  3. In the same manner, assign the following words to each of the properties in their respective Text Box Properties dialog boxes:
    E-mail text box:    should read Email
    URL text box:      should read URL
  4. Click the scrolling text box and press Alt+Enter. The Scrolling Text Box Properties dialog box appears. Verify that the width is set to 35, and the number of lines is 5. Choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor. When you're finished, your form should look like the one shown in Figure 25.3.
    Figure 25.3 : The form is edited slightly to better suit the application.

  5. Position your cursor at the leftmost corner of the form and double-click to select it. Choose Edit | Copy (or press Ctrl+C) to place the form in the clipboard.
  6. Return to the Guests of My World page. Click the purple comment to highlight it and paste your form in its place, using Ctrl+V.
  7. Choose Edit | Select All (Ctrl+A). From the Change Font drop down menu, choose Arial.
  8. Choose File | Save to save the page to your web. Your Guests of My World page now looks as shown in Figure 25.4.
    Figure 25.4 : The Guests of My World page is now complete.

Configuring the Guest Book Form Handler

Now you have to assign a form handler to your form. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Position your cursor anywhere in the form. Right-click and choose Form Properties from the pop-up menu. The Form Properties dialog box appears.
  2. From the Form Handler field, choose the WebBot Save Results Component as a form handler. Click the Settings button to configure the bot. The Settings for Saving Results of Form dialog box appears, opened to the Results tab.
  3. In the File for results field, enter guestlog.htm.
  4. In the File Format field, choose HTML.
  5. Make sure the "Include field names in output" checkbox is checked.
  6. Do not select any additional items from the "Additional information to save" field of the dialog box.
  7. Click the Confirm tab. In the "URL of confirmation page (optional)" field, enter gstcfrm.htm and click OK. You'll be notified that the linked-to page doesn't exist yet. Answer Yes to link to it anyway.
  8. Click OK to exit the Form Properties dialog box. Your form is configured.

Creating the Guest Book Log Page

When you configured the Save Results WebBot for the Guests of My World page, you assigned a form results page of guestlog.htm. This page is created automatically the first time a user submits his or her comments to your site. You'll include the guestlog.htm page on a new page, which is titled "My World Guest Book Log."

Follow these steps to create the page:

  1. From the FrontPage Editor, choose File | New. The New Page dialog box appears.
  2. From the Template or Wizard field, select My World Main Page Template and choose OK.
  3. Click the replacement banner graphic and choose Insert | Image. Choose the Current FrontPage Web tab. Double-click the images folder, and double-click guests.jpg. The image appears in the top cell of the table.
  4. Edit the page title to read My World Guest Book Log.
  5. Click the purple comment to select it. Enter Here are the entries from our guests:.
  6. Choose Insert | WebBot Component. The Insert WebBot Component dialog box appears.
  7. Double-click Include. The WebBot Include Component Properties dialog box appears.
  8. In the Page URL to include field, enter guestlog.htm and then click OK to return to the FrontPage Editor. The Include bot places text on your page that reads [guestlog.htm] because the page does not yet exist in your web. When you receive entries from your visitors, all the guest log entries appear on the page in this location.
  9. Double-click the timestamp at the top of the page. The WebBot Timestamp Component Properties dialog box appears.
  10. Select the "Date this page was last automatically updated" radio button and choose OK. You return to the FrontPage Editor.
  11. Choose Edit | Select All (Ctrl+A) and then select Arial from the Change Font drop-down menu on the Format toolbar.
  12. Choose File | Save (Ctrl+S) or click the Save button on the Standard toolbar. The Save As dialog box appears.
  13. The Page Title field should read My World Guest Book Log. In the "File path within your FrontPage web" field, enter mwgstlog.htm. Choose OK to save the page to your web. Your page should look as shown in Figure 25.5.
    Figure 25.5 : The My World Guest Book Log page displays the comments from your visitors.

  14. Return to the Guests of My World page. Above the scrolling text box is a line that reads (in part) Your comments will be added to our Guest Book log. Highlight the words Guest Book log and choose the Create or Edit Hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar.
  15. Choose the Open Pages tab. Double-click My World Guest Book Log. The link is created.
  16. Choose File | Save (Ctrl+S) or use the Save button on the Standard toolbar to save the Guests of My World page to your web.

Creating the Guest Book Confirmation Page

You want to thank your site visitors for submitting their comments to your guest book and also let them know they can view their comments if they go to the My World Guest Book Log and refresh the page in their browser. Create a simple confirmation page as follows:

  1. Choose File | New (Ctrl+N). From the Template or Wizard field in the New Page dialog box, select My World Main Page Template and choose OK.
  2. Click the replacement banner graphic and choose Insert | Image. Choose the Current FrontPage Web tab. Double-click the images folder, and double-click guests.jpg. The image appears in the top cell of the table.
  3. Change the Page Title to read Guest Book Confirmation.
  4. Double-click the timestamp and select the "date this page was last automatically updated" radio button from the WebBot Timestamp Component Properties dialog box. Choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor.
  5. Click the purple Comment text to select it.
  6. Enter Thank you followed by a space.
  7. Choose Insert | WebBot Component and select Confirmation Field. In the Name of Form Field to Confirm field, enter Name and choose OK.
  8. Add a comma after the Confirmation Field Bot, and enter for adding your
    comments to our guest book
  9. Press Enter. The insertion point moves to a new line. Enter the following text:
    The following information will appear in our guest book. You can view your entry in the Guest Book Log page. Note that you may need to refresh your browser to see your comments.
  10. Choose Table | Insert Table. The Insert Table dialog box appears. Enter the following settings and choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor:
    Rows:                 4
    Columns:             2
    Alignment:           Center
    Border Size:        0
    Cell Padding:       2
    Cell Spacing:       2
    Specify Width:     90 in Percent
  11. In the left column of the table, enter (from top row to bottom row): Name, E-mail, URL, and Comments.
  12. In the right column of the table, choose Insert | Web Bot Component for each of the cells. Choose Confirmation Field and click OK. In the Name of Form Field to Confirm field, enter Name (for the top row), Email (for the second row), URL (for the third row), and Comments (for the fourth row).

You can use the Insert | Web Bot Component command to place the first Confirmation Field bot in the table. Then copy it into your clipboard, paste a copy into each of the remaining cells, and double-click the bots in the second through fourth rows to edit their names.

  1. Highlight the words Guest Book Log in the text above the table and click the Create or Edit Hyperlink button. From the Open Pages tab, double-click My World Guest Book Log. The link to your guest book log is created.
  2. Choose Edit | Select All. Select Arial from the Change Font drop-down menu on the Format toolbar.
  3. Choose File | Save (Ctrl+S) or click the Save button on the Standard toolbar. Save the page as follows:
    Page Title: Guest Book Confirmation
    Page URL: gstcfrm.htm

Testing Your Guest Book

Open your Guests of My World page in the FrontPage Editor, if it is not still open. Then, with the Personal Web Server, Microsoft Personal Web Server, or Internet Information Server running, choose File | Preview in Browser. Select a browser and resolution, and click Preview.

Add a sample entry into the form fields, as shown in Figure 25.6. Then click the Submit Form button. You should see the Guest Book Confirmation Page, shown in Figure 25.7. Click the link to the Guest Book Log page, and you should see your entry in the My World Guest Book Log page, shown in Figure 25.8.

Figure 25.6 : Your visitors first navigate to the My World Guest Book page and enter their comments.

Figure 25.7 : After comments are entered, the user receives a confirmation page.

Figure 25.8 : The comments they enter are stored in guestlog.htm and included on the My World Guest Book Log page.

Creating a Search Page

I decided to use what was already available to create a search page, so I combined the contents of the search page that I created in Chapter 18, "Real-Life Examples III: Adding Navigation and Automation," with the contents of FrontPage's Search Page template. Here's how you can do that:

  1. Minimize or close any pages you currently have open in the FrontPage Editor.
  2. Choose File | Open, double-click search.htm in the Current FrontPage Web tab of the Open File dialog box to open your search page.
  3. Choose File | New and double-click Search Page. The Search Page template opens in the FrontPage Editor.
  4. Choose Window | Tile to view both pages in the FrontPage Editor.
  5. Select the introductory text from the Search Page template, as shown in Figure 25.9. Cut it into your clipboard, using Ctrl+X.
    Figure 25.9 : Select the introductory paragraph from the Search Page template.

  6. Highlight the purple comment in your search page. Paste the contents of your clipboard using Ctrl+V. The clipboard text replaces the comment.
  7. Select the Query Language section from the Search Page template (the title and the search terms). Cut it into your clipboard, using Ctrl+X.
  8. Position the insertion point on the line beneath the first paragraph you inserted into your search page. Paste the query section into your page, using Ctrl+V.
  9. Close the Search Page template from which you were cutting the content. FrontPage will ask if you want to save the changes. Answer No.
  10. Position the insertion point at the end of the first paragraph. Choose Insert | WebBot Component and double-click Search. The WebBot Search Component Properties dialog box appears. Configure the Search bot as follows, and choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor:
    Label for Input:                            Search for:
    Width in Characters:                    30
    Label for "Start Search" button:    Start Search
    Label for "Clear" button:              Reset
    Word List to Search:                   All
    Additional Information:                 File Date, and File Size (in K bytes)
  11. Choose Edit | Select All (Ctrl+A). Select Arial from the Change Font drop-down menu in the Format toolbar.
  12. Reduce the size of the Query Language heading by selecting Heading 4 from the Change Style drop-down menu in the Format toolbar.
  13. Choose File | Save (Ctrl+S) or click the Save button on the Standard toolbar to save your search page to the web. Figure 25.10 shows the upper portion of your search page.
    Figure 25.10 : The search page now contains an introduction, a Search bot, and information on how to use the query language.

Creating the Discussion Group

You've created enough pages of your own now to get the idea of how to go about it, so now you'll use the Discussion Wizard to add a discussion group to your Web site, because it's the simplest way to do this. After that, I'll show you what the settings are for each page in the discussion.

Follow these steps to add the discussion group to your site:

  1. From the FrontPage Explorer, choose File | New | FrontPage Web (Ctrl+N). The New FrontPage Web dialog box appears.
  2. Check the Add to the current web checkbox, and double-click Discussion Web Wizard.
  3. As you step through the Discussion Web Wizard, choose the following options:
  4. To generate the discussion group, click Next to proceed to the final screen and then click Finish. The new pages are added to your current Web site.

It might take some time for FrontPage to add these new pages to your current Web site. It might seem as though your computer is hanging, but be patient. Eventually the Web will refresh, and the new pages will appear in your Web site. Use the Tools | Web Settings command in the FrontPage Explorer, and select the Advanced tab to configure your Web site to Show documents in hidden directories. This allows you to see all the new pages.

The Discussion Wizard adds 14 new pages to your Web site; the settings on each page are described in the following sections when appropriate.

My World Discussion Web Colors (_private/myworld_styl.htm)

The My World Discussion Web Colors page, shown in Figure 25.11, currently uses default color settings. You want to assign your main web style sheet to this page, so that your discussion pages use the same color scheme. Open this page from your current web. Choose File | Page Properties. From the Background tab in the Page Properties dialog box, choose "Get Background and Colors from Page," and use the Browse button to assign the Main Style Sheet page (_private/style.htm) to the page. Save the revised page to your current web, using the File | Save command.

Figure 25.11 : Assign your main web style sheet to the Web Colors page for the discussion.

Included Article Header for My World Discussion (_private/myworld_ahdr.htm)

The Included Article Header for My World Discussion, shown in Figure 25.12, needs some revision. By default, the frameset is removed by the _top Target Frame when a user clicks on the Home, Contents, Search, Post, and Reply links in the page. This loads the Home page, the Discussion Contents page, the Search Page, and the Discussion Submission form in a full browser window when the user clicks one of the links. You can revise the article header to place the discussion pages in the main frame of your web's main frameset as well.

Figure 25.12 : Assign a target frame of main to the first five links on this page.

If you want to revise the target frame for each of the links, click anywhere within the Home, Contents, Search, Post, or Reply link on the page and choose the Create or Edit Hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar. The Edit Hyperlink dialog box opens to the Current FrontPage Web tab. Enter main in the Target Frame field and choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor.

You'll also want to select all the text on the page, using the Edit | Select All command (Ctrl+A), and change the font to Arial, using the Change Font button on the Format toolbar. Reduce the size of the font by clicking the Decrease Font Size button once.

Included Header for My World Discussion (_private/myworld_head.htm)

The Included Header for the My World Discussion is shown in Figure 25.13. For this header, insert discuss.jpg from your web's images directory into the first line on the page. Choose Edit | Select All (Ctrl+A) and select Arial font from the Change Font button on the Format toolbar. Reduce the size of the font by clicking the Decrease Font Size button once.

Figure 25.13 : Add a header graphic to the Included Header for My World Discussion, and change the target frames for the links.

This header appears on all the main pages in the discussion. Like the previous page, you'll need to revise the Target Frame settings so that the pages in the discussion will load within the main frame in your web's main frameset. This applies to all four links-Home, Contents, Search, and Post. If you want to revise the target frame for each of the links, click anywhere within the links' text, and choose the Create or Edit Hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar. The Edit Hyperlink dialog box opens to the Current FrontPage Web tab. Enter main in the Target Frame field, and choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor.

Included Footer and Included Article Footer for My World Discussion (_private/myworld_foot.htm and _private/myworld_aftr.htm)

The Included Footer for My World Discussion (shown in Figure 25.14) contains a Timestamp bot that places the date that the page was last automatically updated on the page. By default, the timestamp uses a date format and does not include the time. To change the date and time styles, double-click the timestamp and choose a new date and time configuration. Click OK to return to the FrontPage Editor.

Figure 25.14 : Change the timestamp on the footers for the discussion if desired.

The Included Article Footer for My World Discussion is identical to that shown in Figure 25.14.

_myworld Discussion Page (_myworld/toc.htm)

The Discussion page is shown in Figure 25.15 and is the table of contents for the articles in your discussion. You'll want to change the title from Contents for _myworld Discussion to Contents for My World Discussion. You'll probably also want to change the font style to Arial and reduce the size by clicking the Decrease Indent button once.

Figure 25.15 : The contents of the included page won't show until after a user enters an article in your discussion.

I want to point out something about this page. At first, it appears as though there are no contents in it. However, that is only a temporary situation. Beneath the heading is an Include bot. As a user submits articles or replies to your discussion, his or her titles are added to the _myworld/tocproto.htm page. That page, in turn, is included in this page through the use of an Include bot. Eventually, you will see a list of articles on this page. The list of articles is compiled each time a user submits an article to your discussion group.

_myworld/tocproto.htm (_myworld/tocproto.htm)

This page doesn't contain anything that you should edit. When you open the page, you'll see text that reads Form Results Inserted Here. This is a Form Insert Here WebBot Component, which is used with the Save Results bot when you specify a results file. It acts as a placeholder for the next group of data submitted by a form. The Form Insert Here WebBot Component is not configurable.

Frameset for My World Discussion (myworld_frm.htm)

The frameset for the discussion contains two rows and one column. The upper frame is named contents, and it initially loads the My World Discussion TOC (Framed) page. In this frame, a table of contents lists all articles in the discussion group. The lower frame in the frameset initially loads the My World Discussion Welcome page into it, but when a user clicks on an article from the contents frame, the article appears beneath it in this lower frame.

If the user is not viewing your web in a frame-compatible browser, the My World Discussion TOC page is displayed in lieu of the frameset. A completed example of the Discussion frameset is shown in Figure 25.16. The settings for the frameset are as follows in the Frame Wizard:

Figure 25.16 : The frameset for your discussion contains two frames. The upper frame displays a table of contents of the articles in your discussion, and the lower frame displays the articles.

My World Discussion TOC (myworld_toc.htm)

The My World Discussion TOC page, shown in Figure 25.17, displays if a user is not using a frame-compatible browser. It displays a list of the articles on your site. The page contains an Include bot beneath the line that reads "Note: you may need to reload this page to see the most recent additions." The Include bot places the _myworld/tocproto.htm page into the Table of Contents. There are no changes to make to this page.

Figure 25.17 : The My World Discussion TOC page displays when a user is viewing your site with a browser that does not support frames.

My World Discussion TOC (Framed) (myworld_tocf.htm)

The My World Discussion TOC (Framed) page isn't much to look at. Initially, it contains only the word CONTENTS, beneath which is an Include bot that places the contents of _myworld/tocproto.htm into the page. You will not need to make any changes to this page.

My World Discussion Welcome (myworld_welc.htm)

The My World Discussion Welcome page, shown in Figure 28.18, welcomes the user to the discussion and provides links to post an article to the site or search the site for a word or phrase. There are two links on this page that the user follows to post a new article to the discussion, and to search the articles for a word or pattern. You should assign these links a target frame of main, as you did with the Included Header and Included Article Header pages.

Figure 25.18 : The My World Discussion Welcome page provides links to post an article and search the discussion articles for a word or phrase.

My World Discussion Confirmation Form (myworld_cfrm.htm)

The confirmation page a user receives when he or she submits an article to the discussion contains one Confirmation Field bot, which is shown in Figure 25.19. The confirmation field returns the subject of the article in the confirmation form. There is a link on this page that tells the user to refresh the main page to see the new article appear in the list. Assign this link a target frame of main.

Figure 25.19 : The Discussion Confirmation Form contains one Confirmation Field WebBot.

My World Discussion Search Form (myworld_srch.htm)

The Search page for the My World Discussion, shown in Figure 25.20, is configured to search through the articles in the discussion. This is done by assigning the discussion group's directory (_myworld) in the Search bot, where you specify the Word List to Search.

Figure 25.20 : The Search bot is configured to keep track of only the articles in the discussion.

The default settings for the Search bot on this page are as follows (you can edit any settings you want, except the Word List to Search directory):

Label for input:Search for:
Width in Characters:20
Label for "Start Search" Button: Start Search
Label for "Clear" Button:Reset
Word List to Search:_myworld
Additional Information to Display:File Date
File Size (in K bytes)  

My World Discussion Submission Form (myworld_post.htm)

The Discussion Submission Form, shown in Figure 25.21, contains several form fields. You can add some of the other fields shown here to your discussion's confirmation form, if you like.

Figure 25.21 : The Discussion Submission Form is used to post and reply to articles in your discussion.

You need to customize the settings for the Category drop-down menu as outlined in Chapter 21, "Fields-The Building Blocks of Forms." For example, the choices in the drop-down menu can focus on your topics of interest, as follows:

Web Page DevelopmentSelected = Yes
Creating Web GraphicsSelected = No
Adding InteractivitySelected = No
MultimediaSelected = No
OtherSelected = No

You also need to make a couple of minor changes to the Form Properties. Place the insertion point anywhere in the submission form, right-click, and choose Form Properties from the pop-up menu.

The Form Handler should already be set to WebBot Discussion Component. Click the Settings button and make sure the settings in the Discussion tab are the same as those listed here. You'll need to add the title and check to display Time as an additional field:

Title:My World Discussion
Table Of Contents Layout fields:Subject; From
Additional form fields:Date already checked; add Time
Get background and colors:_private/myworld_styl.htm

Click the Confirm tab and check that the confirmation page is set to the following:

URL of confirmation page: myworld_cfrm.htm

Click the Articles tab and make sure the settings are the same as the ones listed here.

Header: _private/myworld_ahdr.htm
Footer: _private/myworld_aftr.htm
Additional Information: Time, Date, and Remote computer name are already checked; add User name.

Adding Links to Your My World Discussion Page

You might remember that in previous Real-Life Examples chapters, you created a link to the My World Discussion page in your web when the user clicked a link to the discussion. Now you'll need to add links from that page to the framed and not-framed versions of your discussion group.

To add the links to your My World Discussion Page, follow these steps:

  1. From the FrontPage Editor, choose File | Open. The Open File dialog box appears.
  2. From the Current FrontPage Web tab. Double-click discwelc.htm to open the page.
  3. Highlight the comment on the page to select it. Enter some text that briefly describes the topics in your discussion; for example:
    The discussion group on this site focuses on Web page development, creating Web graphics, adding interactivity to your site, multimedia, sound, and video. Choose one of the links below to view and participate in the discussion.
  4. Press Enter and choose Bulleted List from the Change Style button on the drop-down menu. Then add the following two bulleted list items:
    View the discussion in frames.
    Don't view the discussion in frames.
  5. Select the text that reads "View the discussion in frames." Click the Create or Edit Hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar. From the Current FrontPage Web tab, enter myworld_frm.htm in the Page field and choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor.
  6. Select the text that reads "Don't view the discussion in frames." Click the Create or Edit Hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar. From the Current FrontPage Web tab, enter myworld_toc.htm in the Page field. In the Target Frame field, enter _top. Choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor.
  7. Choose File | Save. The page is saved to your web. Your page should look as shown in Figure 25.22.
    Figure 25.22 : The My World Discussion page gives your visitors the opportunity to choose whether or not they want to view the discussion in frames.

Adding Content to Your Cool Stuff Pages

Chapters 23, "Java and Plug-Ins," and 24, "ActiveX and VBScript," introduced you to some very exciting web technologies and taught you how to utilize the commands in the FrontPage Editor to implement them. There are literally thousands of different Java applets, Netscape Plug-Ins, ActiveX components, JavaScripts, and VBScripts from which to choose.

Because of the vast amount of resources that are available to you, I'll leave the decision of what you should add to your Cool Stuff Pages up to you. You might prefer using Netscape Plug-Ins over Java applets, or ActiveX components over Netscape Plug-Ins. You might prefer online games or chats over multimedia. It's your call here, and you'll have a lot of fun searching for just the right components to add into the cool stuff section of your web.

Workshop Wrap-Up

With this last "Real-Life Examples" chapter, you know how to use all the features in FrontPage. The content of your Web site will change, I'm sure, as you learn more features and become even more familiar with the program. You've made a wise choice in choosing FrontPage for a Web authoring and web management tool! Continue to learn and grow with it; you have lots to work with!

In this chapter you added interactivity and enhanced features to your site, using FrontPage's advanced bots. You added a discussion group to your site, a guest book complete with confirmation page and a separate page for the users' entries, and a search page, so users can search through your entire site for words or phrases. The "Cool Stuff" section awaits, and that is where the fun really begins.

With this thought, I leave your Web site development in your hands. Add more graphics, background sounds, animations, and more É but most of all, have fun doing it!

Next Steps

The chapters in the following section discuss how to maintain your Web site, how to work with the FrontPage Server Extensions, and how to test and publish your Web site.


Q:Can I configure a Search bot to place its results on a different page, rather than on the same page?
A:At the present time, no. The Search bot places the results on the same page.
Q:Can I create a discussion group that has a different section for each topic, instead of using multiple topics in the same discussion?
A:Yes, you can, but remember that you'll be adding several pages to your Web site for each discussion when you do. Your Web will be easier to maintain if you create multiple subjects in a single discussion group. On the other hand, if the discussion gets a lot of articles, it can be easier to locate specific subjects if you create several smaller discussion groups. Start with one and see how it goes!
Q:What's the best way to trim a discussion down when the article count gets too high?
A: One way to do it would be to periodically go through the discussion articles and select the best of the lot. Place the best articles on another Web page in an archive area, or zip the pages up into a file and provide a link to download the zip files of past articles.