Chapter 22

Real-Life Example


Now that you've learned the rest of the story, you're going to create and configure some forms for your site. You'll take the tasks you've learned in this section and work them in with the pages you've already created! Forms add a lot of interactivity and interest to a site; besides, they're fun to design!

Creating a Guest Book

To create your guest book, follow these steps:

  1. Choose File | New. From the New Page dialog box, choose the Far Out Main Page Template.
  2. Highlight the small Far Out There header graphic, and insert animbook.gif (located on the book's CD-ROM) in its place. This is an animated GIF, in which the pages of the book turn. Use the Image Properties dialog box to change the alignment to Middle, and add Guest Book Animation as an alternative text representation.
  3. Highlight the Annotation bot at the top of the page. Use the Insert | Image command to insert guestbk.gif (or .jpg) in its place. Change its alignment to Middle, and enter Guest Book for an alternative text representation.
  4. Edit the Page Title bookmark to read "Far Out There Guest Book" (without quotes).
  5. Delete the horizontal line and bulleted list from the table. Choose Normal paragraph formatting from the Style bar in the FrontPage Editor, and add a welcome statement, as shown in Figure 22.1.
    Figure 22.1 : Your guest book page begins to take shape.
  6. Go to the area beneath the table and delete everything except the first and last dividers and the footer.
  7. Position the insertion point at the end of the first divider and press Enter. A new line is added between the dividers.
  8. Align the new line to the left of the page by using the Align Left button on the Format toolbar.
  9. Save the page to your Web site as Far Out There Guest Book using a URL of guestbk.htm. When FrontPage asks whether you want to overwrite the version that exists in your Web site, answer Yes, and then answer Yes to All to save all the images to the Web site.

Creating the Form

Now you'll create a form that you will paste into your guest book page. To use the Form Page Wizard, you have to create a new page, so follow these steps to create your guest book form:

  1. Choose File | New. Select the Form Page Wizard.
  2. When the introductory screen appears, click Next to continue.
  3. Leave the Page URL and title as is and click Next to continue.
  4. Click the Add button, and choose to add a Contact Information question. For the prompt, enter something like the following:
    Let us know who you are! We'd appreciate it if you could at least add your name and location to the list. Contact information is optional.
  5. Click Next to continue and choose to add the following fields:
    Full Name
    Postal Address
    Email Address
    Web Address (URL)
  6. In the "Enter name for variables" field, leave the variable name as Contact and click Next to continue.
  7. Click Add, and choose to add a Paragraph question. For the prompt, enter something like the following:
    Tell us what you think of the site. Your comments will be added to this page.
  8. Click Next to continue. For the name of the variable for this question, enter Comments.
  9. Click Next to proceed to the final screen, and then click Finish to generate the form; it should look like the one shown in Figure 22.2.
    Figure 22.2 : Your guests will use this form to add their comments to your page.

Editing the Form and the Form Fields

You need to edit the fields' properties to assign shorter names that are more applicable to the form. These values are those that will be passed to the form handler for use in the confirmation form and the results file. Currently, these names are preceded by the word Contact, which you want to eliminate.

Some other small modifications have to be made, too. For example, all the form fields are 256 characters except for the URL form field, which contains only 25 characters. This might not be long enough for your guest to add his or her URL. Also, you need to increase the width of the scrolling textbox a little to give the form a more balanced look.

To edit the form and the form fields, follow these steps:

  1. From the Contact Information section, delete the street address, additional address, and Zip Code fields.
  2. Right-click on the Name textbox, and choose Properties from the pop-up menu. Change the value in the name field from ContactName to Name.
  3. In the same manner, assign the following words to each of the properties in their respective Text Box Properties dialog boxes:
         City textbox: should read City
         State/Province textbox: should read State
         Country textbox: should read Country
         E-mail textbox: should read Email
    Refer to Step 4 for the properties for the URL textbox.
  4. Right-click on the URL form field and choose Properties from the pop-up menu. Enter URL in its Name field. In the Text Box Properties dialog box, enter a value of 256 in the Maximum characters field.
  5. Right-click on the scrolling textbox, and choose Properties from the pop-up menu. Change the width in characters to 50. When you're finished, your form should look like the one shown in Figure 22.3.
    Figure 22.3 : The form is edited slightly to better suit the application.
  6. Position your cursor at the leftmost corner of the form and double-click to select it. Choose Edit | Copy (or press Ctrl+C) to place the form in your Clipboard.
  7. Return to the Guest Book page and paste the form between the two dividers.

Configuring the Guest Book Form Handler

Now you have to assign a form handler to your form. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Position your cursor anywhere in the form. Right-click and choose Form Properties from the pop-up menu.
  2. Choose the Save Results bot as a form handler. Click the Settings button to configure the bot.
  3. In the File for results field, enter guestlog.htm.
  4. In the File Format field, choose HTML.
  5. Make sure the "Include field names in output" checkbox is checked.
  6. In the "URL of confirmation page" field, enter gstcfrm.htm and click OK. You'll be notified that the linked-to page doesn't exist yet. Answer Yes to link to it anyway.
  7. Click OK to exit the Form Properties dialog box.

Adding the Include Bot for the Guest Log

When you configured the Save Results bot for the guest book, you assigned a form results page of guestlog.htm. This page is created automatically the first time a user submits his or her comments to your site. For you to include the comments on your guest book page, you need to insert the guestlog.htm page into your Guest Book page with an Include bot.

Follow these steps to continue with the Guest Book page:

  1. Go down to the bottom of the page, where the divider and footer appear. Copy the divider into your Clipboard, and paste another copy above or below the existing divider.
  2. Position the insertion point at the end of the top divider. Choose Insert | Bot, and select Include to open the Include Bot Properties dialog box.
  3. In the "Page URL to Include" field, enter guestlog.htm, and then click OK to exit the Include Bot Properties dialog box. Your guest book page should now look like the one shown in Figure 22.4.
    Figure 22.4 : The guest log page is inserted into the Far Out There Guest Book page with an Include bot.
  4. Save the Guest Book page to your Web site again. You can discard the normal page on which you originally created the form.
  5. Remove the Guest Book page task from your To Do list.

When you open your Guest Book in a browser that supports animated GIFs, you'll see the pages flipping in the guest book. The area behind the guest book won't be the blue color in the table when you view it in Internet Explorer. It will show the background image through it, as shown in Figure 22.5.

Figure 22.5 : When you view the header in a browser that supports animated GIFs, the pages of the book turn.

Creating the Guest Book Confirmation Page

You want to thank your site visitors for submitting their comments to your guest book and also let them know they can view their comments if they return to the Guest Book page and refresh it in their browser. Create a simple confirmation page as follows:

  1. Choose File | New. Base the new page on the Normal page template.
  2. Assign the Far Out There Web Colors page to the new page, using the File | Page Properties command.
  3. Insert the faroutsm.gif (or .jpg) and guestbk.gif (or .jpg) images on the top line of the page. You can also add alternative text representations of "Small Header Graphic" and "Guest Book," respectively, for the two images.
  4. Insert Heading 3 and enter the heading shown in the figure.
  5. Press Enter and insert divider.gif (or .jpg) into the page, centering it with the Center button on the Format toolbar.
  6. Position the insertion point at the end of the divider and insert an Address paragraph. Enter the text shown beneath the divider. The [Name] text shown in the figure is added with a Confirmation Field bot. This is how you'd enter the line:
    Thank you, (insert a Confirmation Field bot with Name as the form field to confirm), (add a space) for adding your comments to our guest book.
  7. Insert a Normal paragraph and enter the following text:
    The following information will appear in our guest book:
  8. Insert a horizontal line, using the default settings. Figure 22.6 shows the upper portion of the page, containing everything you've done to this point.
    Figure 22.6 : The upper portion of your Confirmation Page should be complete.
  9. Insert a Formatted paragraph and enter each line of confirmation fields. A Confirmation Field bot is added for each form field in your Guest Book form. By using Formatted paragraphs, you can add spacing after all the form fields are added to align them perfectly. Here are the steps:
    Name: Insert a Confirmation Field bot called Name, and press Enter.
    City: Insert a Confirmation Field bot called City, and press Enter.
    State/Province: Insert a Confirmation Field bot called State, and press Enter.
    Country: Insert a Confirmation Field bot called Country, and press Enter.
    E-Mail: Insert a Confirmation Field bot called Email, and press Enter.
    URL: Insert a Confirmation Field bot called URL, and press Enter.
    Enter Your Comments: on the current line and press Enter.
  10. Insert a Confirmation Field bot called Comments on the line below the Your Comments line.
  11. Insert a Normal paragraph after the Confirmation Field bot, and add some text that provides a link back to the Guest Book page. Let users know they need to refresh their browsers to see the comments added.
  12. Press Enter and insert divider.gif (or .jpg) on the following line. Center the divider with the Center button on the Format toolbar.
  13. Insert an Include bot at the bottom of the page, and include the Included Page Footer (_private/footer.htm). The lower portion of your page should now look like the one in Figure 22.7.
    Figure 22.7 : The lower portion of your Confirmation Page is now complete.
  14. Save the page to your Web site with the following title and URL:
    Page Title:     Guest Book Confirmation Page
    Page URL:     gstcfrm.htm

Creating a Search Page

I decided to use what was already available to create a Search Page, so I combined the contents of the Far Out There Main Page template with the contents of the Search Page template. Here's how you can do that:

  1. Minimize any pages you currently have open in the FrontPage Editor.
  2. Choose File | New, and base the page on the Far Out There Main Page template.
  3. Choose File | New again, and base the page on the Search Page template.
  4. Choose Window | Tile to view both pages in the FrontPage Editor.
  5. Replace the Annotation bot in the Far Out There Main Page Template with search.gif (or .jpg) from the book's CD-ROM.
  6. Replace the Page Title bookmark with a title that reads Text Search.
  7. Remove the divider and bulleted list from the page template, and replace it with the introductory text from the Search Page. When you get this far, your page should look like the one in Figure 22.8.
    Figure 22.8 : The upper portion of your Search Page contains text from the Search Page template.
  8. Position the insertion point at the end of the first divider beneath the table. Insert a table with the following properties:
    Number of Rows:       9
    Number of Columns:    2
    Alignment:              Center
    Border Size:             0
    Cell Padding:            1
    Cell Spacing:            2
    Specify Width:          90 Percent
  9. Insert a table caption, copy the Query Language bookmark from the Search Page, and paste it into the table caption. Click the Increase Text Size button to enlarge it a couple of increments.
  10. Merge the two cells in the first row together with the Table | Merge Cells command. Paste the text from the original search page into the table, as shown in Figure 22.9. The figure also shows the content of the Search Page's Query Language section added to the table.
    Figure 22.9 : The Query Language section from the Search Page template is moved into a table.
  11. Continue to copy the contents of the Search Page into your page template until it looks like the one shown in Figure 22.9.
  12. Remove the extra dividers and sections from the Main Page template, leaving only a divider and the footer at the bottom of the page. When you're finished, the lower portion of the Search Page looks like the one in Figure 22.10.
    Figure 22.10: The lower portion of the Search Page is complete.
  13. The Search bot is configured as follows:
    Label for Input:                 Search for:
    Width in Characters:            2
    Label for Start Search button:   Start Search
    Label for Clear button:          0
    Word List to Search:            All
    Additional Information:         Score, File Date, and File Size
  14. Save the page to your Web site with the following title and URL:
    Page Title:     Search Far Out There
    Page URL:     search.htm
    When FrontPage asks whether you want to overwrite the existing file, answer Yes and then answer Yes to All to save all images to the current Web site.
  15. Remove the task for the Search Page from your To Do list.
  16. Close the untitled Search Page. When FrontPage asks whether you want to save the page before closing, answer No.

Creating the Discussion Group

You've created enough pages of your own now to get the idea of how to go about it, so now you'll use the Discussion Wizard to add a discussion group to your Web site because it's the simplest way to do this. After that, I'll show you what the settings are for each page in the discussion.

Follow these steps to add the discussion group to your site:

  1. From the FrontPage Explorer, choose File | New Web. Make sure the Add to the Current Web option is checked, and choose the Discussion Web Wizard.
  2. As you step through the Discussion Web Wizard, choose the following options:
  3. To generate the discussion group, click Finish. The new pages are added to your current Web site.

It might take some time for FrontPage to add these new pages to your current Web site. It might seem as though your computer is hanging, but be patient. Eventually the Web will refresh, and the new pages will appear in your Web site. Use the Tools | Web Settings command's Advanced tab to configure your Web site so that it shows pages in hidden directories. This allows you to see all the new pages.

The Discussion Wizard adds 14 new pages to your Web site; the settings on each page are described in the following sections when appropriate.

Pages You Won't Need to Change

The following pages for the discussion are okay the way they are, so you won't have to change them:

Far Out There Discussion Web Colors (_private/fotdstyl.htm)

Open this page from your current Web, and use the File | Page Properties command to assign the Far Out There Web Colors page (_private/faroutwc.htm) to the page. Save the revised page to your current Web using the File | Save command.

_fotd Discussion Page (_fotd/toc.htm)

There are no changes to make to this page. However I wanted to point out something about it. At first, it appears as though there are no contents on this page. However, that is only a temporary situation. As a user submits articles or replies to your discussion, their titles are added to the _fotd/tocproto.htm page. That page, in turn, is included in this page through the use of an Include bot. Eventually, you will see a list of articles on this page, which will appear similar to that shown in Figure 22.11.

Figure 22.11: The contents of the included page won't show until after a user enters an article in your discussion.

Frameset for Far Out There Discussion (fotdfrm.htm)

A completed example of the Discussion frameset is shown in Figure 22.12. The settings for the frame set are as follows in the Frame Wizard:

Figure 22.12: Your discussion articles and a table of contents appear in the frameset.

Far Out There Discussion Confirmation Form (fotdcfrm.htm)

The confirmation page a user receives when he or she submits an article to the discussion contains one Confirmation Field bot, which is shown in Figure 22.13. The confirmation field returns the subject of the article in the confirmation form.

Figure 22.13: The Discussion Confirmation Form contains one Confirmation Field bot.

Far Out There Discussion Search Form (fotdsrch.htm)

The Search Page for the Far Out There Discussion is configured to search through the articles in the discussion. This is done by assigning the discussion group's directory (_fotd) in the Search bot, where you specify the Word List to Search. The Search bot Properties dialog box is shown in Figure 22.14.

Figure 22.14: The Search bot is configured to keep track of only the articles in the discussion.

The settings for the Search bot on this page should be as follows (you can edit any settings you want, except the Word List to Search directory):

Label for Input:Search for:
Width in Characters:20
Label for "Start Search" Button: Start Search
Label for "Clear" Button:Reset
Word List to Search:_fotd
Additional Information to Display:File Date File Size (in KB)

Far Out There Discussion Submission Form (fotdpost.htm)

The Discussion Submission Form contains several form fields. You can add some of the other fields shown here to your discussion's confirmation form, if you like.

The settings for the Subject textbox are as follows:

Width in characters:50
Maximum characters:256
Password field:No

You need to customize the settings for the Category drop-down menu, as shown in Figure 22.15. In the example I show, the choices in the drop-down menu were modified as follows:

Figure 22.15: The drop-down menu should be customized with topics of your choice.

Web Page DevelopmentSelected = Yes
Creating Web GraphicsSelected = No
Adding InteractivitySelected = No
MultimediaSelected = No
OtherSelected = No

The From textbox is configured as follows:

Width in characters:50
Maximum characters:256
Password field:No

The scrolling textbox for the Comments field is configured as follows:

Width in characters:50
Number of lines:6

The Post Article pushbutton field doesn't have a name. Add the following name in the Name field, and enter these other settings:

Name:Enter Post here
Value/Label:Post Article

The Reset Form pushbutton field also doesn't contain a name. Add the following name in the Name field, and enter these other settings:

Name:Enter Reset here
Value/Label:Reset Form

You also need to make a couple of minor changes to the Form Properties. Place the insertion point anywhere in the submission form, right-click, and choose Form Properties from the pop-up menu.

The Form Handler should already be set to Discussion Bot. Click the Settings button, and make sure the settings in the Discussion tab are the same as those listed here, shown in Figure 22.16. You'll need to add the title and check to display Time as an additional field:

Figure 22.16: Configure the discussion in the Discussion tab.

Title:Far Out There Discussion
Table Of Contents
Layout fields:Subject From
Additional form fields:Date already checked; add Time
Get background and colors:_private/fotdstyl.htm
URL of confirmation page:fotdcfrm.htm

Click the Articles tab and make sure the settings are the same as the ones listed here. (See Figure 22.17.)

Figure 22.17: Configure the discussion articles in the Articles tab.

Additional Information:Time, Date, and Remote computer name are already checked; add User name.

Included Article Header for Far Out There Discussion (_private/fotdahdr.htm)

You've probably noticed that my headers in the discussion pages have graphics and that I haven't told you to add them yet. That's because they're added in the headers for the pages in this section, and you're going to add them now. You also need to edit the link to the home page. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. At the top of the page, insert the following two graphics:
    faroutsm.gif (or .jpg) from the current Web site
    discuss.gif (or .jpg) from the book's CD-ROM
  2. Edit the link to the home page that appears in the text line. Choose the Far Out There Home Page (index.htm) from the pages in your current Web site.
  3. Save the revised page to your Web site when it's finished.

The links on this page are assigned the following default target frames:

You'll notice that this page contains some link types that haven't been covered so far. However, since you're working with them now, they're explained in the following paragraphs. An example of one of these link types is shown in Figure 22.18.

Figure 22.18: Links like this one tell the Discussion bot what to do.

If you examine the link properties for the Contents, Reply, Next, Previous, and Up links on this page, you'll see links to some strange "pages" in your current Web site. These aren't pages-they're functions of the Discussion bot. If you design your own Discussion Group someday, without using the Discussion Wizard, here's what these special links do:

Included Header for Far Out There Discussion (_private/fotdhead.htm)

The Included Header for the Far Out There Discussion is shown in Figure 22.19. Add the same graphics to this header as you did for the article header, and edit the link to the home page. To do this, follow these steps:

Figure 22.19: Add the same graphics to the header for the main pages in the discussion.

  1. At the top of the page, insert the following two graphics:
    faroutsm.gif (or .jpg) from the current Web site
    discuss.gif (or .jpg), which should now exist in your current Web site
  2. Edit the link to the home page that appears in the text line. Choose the Far Out There Home Page (index.htm) from the pages in your current web.
  3. Save the revised page to your Web site when it's finished.

All links on this page have a default target frame of _top, meaning that the frameset will be removed and the target page displayed in a full browser window.

Included Footer for Far Out There Discussion (_private/fotdfoot.htm)

The timestamp on this page is set to update on the date this page was last automatically edited. By default, the date displays in the following format:

July 19, 1996

Choose the date and time format of your choice. The date options are as follows:

19 July, 1996
19 Jul 1996
19 July 1996

The default time choice is none. Additional time options are as follows:

05:13 AM
05:13 TZ

Editing the Links in Your Main Pages

You'll need to edit the links on your home page, and in the main navigation link page, to open the Far Out There Discussion Frame Set instead of the disctoc.htm page the links are presently assigned to.

Fortunately, there's an easy way to do this, and here are the steps:

  1. Open the FrontPage Explorer. From any view, locate the Far Out There Discussion page (disctoc.htm). This is the page you created when you added all your links from the home page in Chapter 6
  2. Right-click the page, and choose Delete from the pop-up menu. FrontPage will ask whether you're sure you want to delete the page. Answer Yes.
  3. Now, for the magic. From the FrontPage Explorer, choose Tools | Verify Links to open the Verify Links dialog box shown in Figure 22.20. The pages containing links to that disctoc.htm page (index.htm, textnav.htm, and botmnav.htm) appear in the list.
    Figure 22.20: Use the Verify Links dialog box to repair the links on your home and navigation pages.
  4. Select one of the pages that contain a link to the disctoc.htm page, and click the Edit Link button. The Edit Link dialog box shown in Figure 22.21 appears.
    Figure 22.21: Select one of the broken links to repair all of them.
  5. Enter the URL of the Far Out There Discussion frameset in the With: field:
  6. Select the Change all pages with this link radio button.
  7. Click OK or press Enter. FrontPage repairs all the links for you automatically. Your Web refreshes and the broken links change to Edited status in the Verify Links dialog box, as shown in Figure 22.22. If you click the Verify button again, the links are removed from the list.
    Figure 22.22: All the pages that contained the broken link have been repaired.

To test the links in your browser or in the FrontPage Editor, refresh the pages on which the links originally appeared.

Adding Code into Your Cool Stuff Pages

The examples I'm giving in these pages are pretty basic, just to give you an idea of how to enter your own code into your FrontPage pages. I'll try to work with media you should already have on your computer, or at least have easy access to. If you want to hunt around on the Internet for public domain files that fall into the same category, you can generally start yourself off on the right track if you go to Yahoo! ( Do a search for the media type of your choice, and you'll come up with an endless list of links to choose from.

I'll start by adding a couple of sound pages into your Cool Stuff section. The two sounds you'll add come with Windows 95. I'm using these files only as an example; please keep in mind that they aren't public domain, so you don't want to use them on your site. If you have other MIDI files on your system that are original or public domain, replace the examples I'm using with your filenames.

The two sounds I used in my pages were CANYON.MID and PASSPORT.MID. If you installed all the multimedia options in Windows 95, you'll find both these MIDI files in the C:\Windows\Media directory. Import both these files into your Web site with the File | Import command from the FrontPage Explorer.

To add them to your Cool Stuff pages, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Cool Sounds TOC (clsndtoc.htm) page in the FrontPage Editor.
  2. On the first line of the page, enter the following text, as shown in Figure 22.23:
    Figure 22.23: You'll create links to two sound files that appear on different pages.
  3. Select the CANYON.MID text and create a link to a new page. Assign the following properties to the page in the Create Link dialog box's New
    Page tab:
    Page Title:            CANYON.MID
    Page URL:            canyon.htm
    Target Frame:         main
    Choose to edit the new page immediately and then click OK to create the page.
  4. Base the page on the Normal template.
  5. When the page opens, use the File | Page Properties command to assign the Cool Stuff Main Window Style Sheet (_private/csstyle.htm) for the page background and colors. In the Default Target Frame field, enter Main, and click OK.
  6. Choose Insert | Bot, and select HTML Markup. The HTML Markup dialog box appears.
  7. Enter the following in the Markup bot, as shown in Figure 22.24:
    <BGSOUND SRC="canyon.mid" LOOP=2>
    Figure 22.24: The code for the background sound is added into your Web page with the HTML Markup bot.
  8. Save the page to your Web site.
  9. Return to the Cool Sounds TOC page, and repeat the steps again for the PASSPORT.MID file, replacing the page names and filename in the HTML Markup bot appropriately.
  10. Save the Cool Sounds TOC page and the CANYON.MID page to your Web site.

Now give one of those marquees a try. Open the Cool Marquees TOC in the FrontPage Editor, and add a link to a page on which you will place a marquee.

To add a marquee to your Cool Stuff pages, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Cool Marquees TOC (clmartoc.htm) page in the FrontPage Editor.
  2. On the first line of the page, enter the following text:
    Welcome Marquee
  3. Select the text and create a link to a new page. Assign the following properties to the page in the Create Link dialog box's New Page tab:
    Page Title:            Welcome Marquee
    Page URL:            welmarq.htm
    Target Frame:         main
    Choose to edit the new page immediately, and then click OK to create the page.
  4. Base the page on the Normal template.
  5. When the page opens, use the File | Page Properties command to assign the Cool Stuff Main Window Style Sheet (_private/csstyle.htm) for the page background and colors. In the Default Target Frame field, enter Main.
  6. Choose Insert | Bot and select HTML Markup. The HTML Markup dialog box appears.
  7. Enter the following in the Markup bot (Figure 22.25 shows a partial example):
    Figure 22.25: The HTML code for the Marquee is entered in the HTML Markup bot.
    <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=4>
       HEIGHT=40 WIDTH=350
       HSPACE=5 VSPACE=10
       Welcome to the Cool Stuff Cool Marquees Pages!!!
  8. Save the page to your Web site.
  9. Return to the Cool Stuff TOC page, and repeat the steps again for the PASSPORT.MID file, replacing the page names and filename in the HTML Markup bot appropriately.
  10. Save the Cool Marquees TOC page and the Welcome Marquee to your Web site.
  11. If you elected not to update your Cool Stuff Tables of Contents when a page was automatically updated, you'll need to open your Far Out There Cool Stuff page (cooltoc.htm) and save it to your Web site again to update the contents. Then choose the View | Refresh command from the FrontPage Explorer to update the pages for the Cool Stuff section. To view the new pages, you might also need to refresh the pages in your browser or empty the browser's cache.

The remaining Cool Stuff pages have yet to be completed, but learning the tasks and techniques to add content for those pages is a project I'll leave up to your imagination. I've tried to show examples of how you can add just about any type of code into the HTML Markup bots. Though I hate to cut you short on adding additional features, you'll soon learn how much more there is to learn! If I've succeeded in igniting that spark of creativity, then I've done my job. I'm sure you can take it from here!

Workshop Wrap-Up

With this last "Real-Life Examples" chapter, you know how to use all the features in FrontPage. The content of your Web site will change, I'm sure, as you learn more features and become even more familiar with the program. You've made a wise choice in choosing FrontPage for a Web authoring and Web management tool! Continue to learn and grow with it-you have lots to work with!

Chapter Summary

In this chapter, you have added interactivity and enhanced features to your site, using FrontPage's advanced bots. You added several different types of forms to your site and some additional code to attach sounds and Marquees to pages.

Next Steps

The chapters in the following part discuss how to maintain your Web site, how to work with the FrontPage Server Extensions, and how to test and publish your Web site.


Q:Can I configure a Search bot to place its results on a different page rather than on the same page?
A:At the present time, no. The Search bot places the results on the same page.
Q:Can I create a discussion group that has a different section for each topic, instead of using multiple topics in the same discussion?
A:Yes, you can, but remember that you'll be adding several pages to your Web site for each discussion when you do. Your web will be easier to maintain if you create multiple subjects in a single discussion group. On the other hand, if the discussion gets a lot of articles, it can be easier to locate specific subjects if you create several smaller discussion groups. Start with one and see how it goes!
Q:What's the best way to trim a discussion down when the article count gets too high?
A:One way to do it would be to periodically go through the discussion articles and select the best of the lot. Place the best articles on another Web page in an archive area, or zip the pages up into a file and provide a link to download the zip files of past articles.