Chapter 24

Working with the FrontPage Servers


The FrontPage Server Extensions are available for four different operating systems, covering a good range of commonly used server programs. When you work with FrontPage's Personal Web Server, you are using files similar to those found on servers in other platforms. For your FrontPage webs to use all the features in your web pages, the server extensions must exist on the remote server.

The Personal Web Server

Throughout this book, you have designed your pages while you were offline. You may not realize it, but by having the Personal Web Server installed on your local computer, you can actually connect to the Internet and use your local computer as a Web site while online. The best way to do this is to use a computer that you can dedicate to your Web site and also get a 24-hour connection to the Internet. You'll also need an extra phone line for that Internet connection if you want it to be a permanent connection.

The Personal Web Server is intended for light usage. It uses only one port at a time (so it doesn't support multi-homing) and allows 12 child webs to exist on the server. If you need a server that's more robust, or one that supports multi-homing, this chapter covers the servers and operating systems for which other versions of the FrontPage Server Extensions are available.

The Personal Web Server is installed on your local computer when you choose one of the following installation configurations:

appendix A explains how to perform a TCP/IP test to determine the host names you can use in the Personal Web Server.

Using the FrontPage Server Administrator

When you install the Personal Web Server on your computer, you use the FrontPage Server Administrator to configure your server, install or uninstall the FrontPage Server Extensions, enable authoring for a web, or add server administrators. The steps to perform each of these functions are listed in the following sections.

Changing the Port Number

When you install the FrontPage Personal Web Server, it gets installed to one of the following two ports:

To change the port number when using the Personal Web Server, you need to shut down your server, uninstall the server extensions from the existing port, and reinstall the server extensions to the new port.

To uninstall the server extensions from a selected port:

  1. Shut down the server.
  2. From the Start menu, select FrontPage Server Administrator to open its dialog box, shown in Figure 24.1.
    Figure 24.1 : The FrontPage Server Administrator allows you to install, upgrade, uninstall, and configure your server extensions.
  3. In the Select port number field, choose the port number from which you want to uninstall the server extensions.
  4. Click Uninstall. The Server Administrator notifies you that the server extensions will be removed, but that the content files will remain. This dialog box is shown in Figure 24.2. Click OK to uninstall the server extensions from your current port.
    Figure 24.2 : The Server Administrator informs you that the extensions will be uninstalled from the port you selected.
  5. Click OK to uninstall the extensions, or Cancel to return to the Server Administrator.

When you remove the server extensions from a port, the following changes are made:
The frontpg.ini file, located in your Windows directory, is edited. The section for the selected port is removed.
The _vti_bin directory containing the server extension executables is removed.
The _vti_txt directory that contains the text index for the Web is removed.
Content files, such as Web pages, image files, and others, are maintained in the directories in your content folder

To install the server extensions to a new port on your server, follow these steps:

  1. Change the port number for your server, following the normal procedures provided for that server.

    Be sure to use a port number higher than 1024. These numbers are reserved for well-known servers.

  2. From the Start menu, select FrontPage Server Administrator to open its dialog box. Your server can't be running while you install the server extensions.
  3. In the Select Port Number field, choose the port number to which you want to install the server extensions.
  4. Click Install. The Configure Server Type dialog box shown in Figure 24.3 appears.
    Figure 24.3 : Choose the server type you want to install to the selected port.
  5. Choose your server type. The server type must be installed on your system, and its configuration file must exist in a directory on your hard drive. Choose one of the following server types:
    FrontPage Personal Web Server (for Windows 95 or Windows NT)
    Netscape Commerce Server (for Windows NT)
    Netscape Communication Server (for Windows NT)
    WebSite (for Windows 95 or Windows NT)
  6. Click OK. The Server Configuration dialog box shown in Figure 24.4 appears. Enter the path and name of your server configuration file in the Server Config field, or use the Browse button to locate your server configuration file, as shown in Figure 24.5. Select the same file you edited in step 1.
    Figure 24.4 : Specify your server configuration file in the Server Configuration dialog box.
    Figure 24.5: You use the Server Config dialog box to locate the server configuration file on your computer.
  7. Click OK to install the server extensions. The Confirmation Dialog shown in Figure 24.6 appears. It lists the Server Type, Server Configuration File, Port, and Document Root for your server.
    Figure 24.6 : The Server Administrator confirms your selections before the extensions are installed.
  8. Click OK to install the extensions and return to the FrontPage Server Administrator. Click Cancel to cancel the installation.

Upgrading the Server Extensions

If you're upgrading FrontPage from a previous release, you need to update the server extensions in your existing webs. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Shut down the server.
  2. From the Start menu, select FrontPage Server Administrator.
  3. Choose Upgrade. The Server Administrator dialog box shown in Figure 24.7 appears and informs you that FrontPage will upgrade the extensions on the server. Click OK to upgrade the server extensions.
    Figure 24.7 : FrontPage notifies you that the extensions will be upgraded.
  4. Click OK to upgrade the extensions, or Cancel to return to the FrontPage Server Administrator. If you click OK, the new versions of the server extensions are copied to your server and you are informed that the upgrade was completed successfully.
  5. Click OK to return to the FrontPage Server Administrator.

Checking Your Server Configuration

If you're having problems with your server configuration, you can check the installation from the FrontPage Administrator. This application checks to see whether all the required DLLs and configuration files exist on your computer. To check your installation, follow these steps:

  1. Shut down the server.
  2. From the Start menu, select FrontPage Server Administrator.
  3. Choose Check. If the check is successful, all the required files exist on your system. However, if the check isn't successful, you might need to reinstall the FrontPage Server Extensions from the installation disks.

Enabling or Disabling Authoring

To enable or disable authoring on your server, use the Authoring button in the FrontPage Administrator. The steps are as follows:

  1. From the Start menu, select FrontPage Server Administrator.
  2. Choose Authoring. FrontPage informs you whether authoring is enabled or disabled for the server.
  3. Choose OK to change authoring status.

Configuring Security

You can add an administrator's password and restrict his or her IP address by using the Security button in the FrontPage Server Administrator. To configure security, follow these steps:

  1. From the Start menu, select FrontPage Server Administrator.
  2. Choose Security. The Administrator name and password dialog box shown in Figure 24.8 appears.
    Figure 24.8 : Enter the administrator's name and password in the Administrator name and password dialog box.
  3. Enter the name of the Web site you want to add the administrator to in the Web name field. By default, the root Web appears in this field. To add an administrator to the child Web, enter the Web name preceded by a forward slash, for example, /MyChildWeb.
  4. Enter the administrator's name in the Name field. The name cannot contain any spaces or punctuation marks.
  5. Enter the administrator's password in the Password field, and confirm it in the Confirm password field.
  6. Click the Advanced button to restrict Web operations to only the administrator's IP address (optional). The Internet address restriction dialog box, shown in Figure 24.9, appears.
    Figure 24.9 : Enter the administrator's IP address (optional) in the Internet address restriction dialog box.
  7. Enter the IP address you want to restrict and click OK, or click Cancel to return to the Administrator name and password dialog box.
  8. Click OK to add the administrator to the Web site. The Server Administrator confirms that the administrator has been added to the Web site you selected.

Using FrontPage with Proxy Servers and Firewalls

If your Web server uses firewalls and proxy servers, you can configure FrontPage to use the same configuration. Proxies are used any time the FrontPage Explorer or FrontPage Editor is used to access any Web pages outside your server, for example:

Specifying a Proxy Server for a Web

To use a proxy server with FrontPage, choose the Tools | Proxies command to assign the server.

To specify a proxy server, follow these steps:

  1. In the FrontPage Explorer, choose Tools | Proxies. The Proxies dialog box, shown in Figure 24.10, appears.
    Figure 24.10: Enter your proxy server and the list of servers within your firewall in the Proxies dialog box.
  2. In the HTTP Proxy field, enter the name of the proxy server and its port.
  3. In the List of Hosts without Proxy field, enter the names of the servers you want to use inside the firewall. The port number is optional. Separate the entries in the list with commas.

Server Configuration Files

There are three server configuration files installed in your server directory when you install the FrontPage Server Extensions. These files are located in the \FrontPage Webs\server\conf directory on your computer, and you can open them with a text editor such as Notepad or WordPad. The settings in each file are described in the following sections. It's best not to edit them unless you understand what the settings are there for.

AccESS.CNF Configuration File

The access configuration file contains global access configurations. You assign access permissions to the directories in your webs in this file.

HTTPD.CNF Configuration File

The main server configuration file for the Personal Web Server has commands similar to those found in ncSA Server Version 1.3R. The configuration file contains a URL you can use when changing the settings in this file. In this file, you assign the following for your server:
Server root directory
The port the server uses
Timeout values
E-mail address of the server administrator
The location of the server's error log file
The location of the transfer log file
A host name sent back to clients if it's different from what the program would get (for example, using "" instead of the value returned in the TCP/IP check)
The command-line template for CGI WinExec
The default image map configuration file

SRM.CNF Configuration File

The server resource configuration file settings control document layout and the files you want to make visible to users. Path defaults listed in this file are those related to the server's installation directory and should be given in UNIX format, using a forward slash instead of a backslash.
The following configurations are specified in this file:
Document (content) root directory
The default name of your index page
The default name of the access file permissions file
Aliasing and redirection names
MIME types
Automatic directory indexing
Files that the directory index should ignore

FrontPage Server Extensions: Other Platforms

If you're looking for a service provider that has the FrontPage Server Extensions installed, Microsoft keeps a list of them at the following URL:

If your service provider doesn't have the server extensions installed, good news is in store. The FrontPage Server Extensions are also available for other platforms and operating systems. These server extensions are primarily intended for use by Internet service providers or those who are using FrontPage on corporate intranets. The server extensions are available for UNIX, BSDI, and Windows NT platforms.

General information on the server extensions and Web hosting can be found at the following URLs on Microsoft's Web site:

Microsoft FrontPage Internet Service Provider Information:
Web Hosting Primer:
Web Hosting FAQ:
FrontPage Server Extensions:

At press time, the FrontPage Server Extensions are available for the following operating systems and Web servers:

Windows 95
Windows NT Workstation
Windows NT Server 3.5.1 (or Higher)
BSD/OS 2.1 (BSDi UNIX on Intel Architecture)
HP/UX 9.03 (Hewlett-Packard Computers)
IRIX 5.3 (Silicon Graphics Computers)
Solaris 2.4 (Sun Workstations, SPARC Architecture)
SunOS 4.1.3 (Sun Workstations, SPARC Architecture)

Windows 95

For Windows 95 users, the FrontPage Server Extensions are available for the following servers. Both are included in FrontPage:

Windows NT Workstation

For Windows NT users, the FrontPage Server Extensions are available for the following servers. All are included with FrontPage:

Windows NT Server 3.5.1 (or Higher)

For Windows NT Server users (version 3.5.1 or higher), the Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions are available for the Microsoft Internet Information Server. You can download the Internet Information Server from the following URL:

FrontPage Server Extensions are available from Microsoft's Web site. To download the server extensions, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the user agreement form at the following URL:
  2. Download the IISReadMe.txt file, which contains general information about installing the FrontPage Server Extensions:
  3. Download the server extensions from the following URL:
  4. Install and configure the FrontPage server extensions as outlined in the readme files that come with the server extensions.

BSD/OS 2.1 (BSDi UNIX on Intel Architecture)

For BSD/OS 2.1 users, the FrontPage Server Extensions are available for the following servers:

Netscape Communications Server
Open Market Web Server

To download and install the FrontPage Server Extensions for BSD/OS 2.1, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the user agreement form at the following URL:
  2. Download the server extensions from the following URLs. The vt11.bsdi.tar file is 6MB, and the vt11.bsdi.tar.Z file is 3.8MB:
  3. Install and configure the FrontPage Server Extensions as outlined in the readme files provided with the server extensions.

HP/UX 9.03 (Hewlett-Packard Computers)

For HP/UX 9.03 users, the FrontPage Server Extensions are available for the following servers:

Netscape Communications Server
Open Market Web Server

To download and install the FrontPage Server Extensions for HP/UX 9.03, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the user agreement form at the following URL:
  2. Download the UNIXReadMe.txt file that has general information about installing the FrontPage server extensions:
  3. Download the Server Extensions from the following URLs. The vt11.hp700.tar file is 10.1MB, and the vt11.hp700.tar.Z file is 5.1MB:
  4. Install and configure the FrontPage Server Extensions as outlined in the readme files that come with the server extensions.

IRIX 5.3 (Silicon Graphics Computers)

For IRIX 5.3 users, the FrontPage Server Extensions are available for the following servers:

Netscape Communications Server
Open Market Web Server

To download and install the FrontPage Server Extensions for IRIX 5.3, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the user agreement form at the following URL:
  2. Download the UNIXReadMe.txt file, which contains general information about installing the FrontPage Server Extensions:
  3. Download the server extensions from the following URLs. The vt11.sgi.tar file is 13.8MB, and the vt11.sgi.tar.Z file is 5MB:
  4. Install and configure the FrontPage Server Extensions as outlined in the readme files provided with the server extensions.

Solaris 2.4 (Sun Workstations, SPARC Architecture)

For Solaris 2.4 users, the FrontPage Server Extensions are available for the following servers:

Netscape Communications Server
Open Market Web Server

To download and install the FrontPage Server Extensions for Solaris 2.4, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the user agreement form at the following URL:
  2. Download the UNIXReadMe.txt file containing general information about installing the FrontPage Server Extensions:
  3. Download the server extensions from the following URLs. The vt11.solaris.tar file is 8.2MB, and the vt11.solaris.tar.Z file is 4MB:
  4. Install and configure the FrontPage Server Extensions as outlined in the readme files that come with the server extensions.

SunOS 4.1.3 (Sun Workstations, SPARC Architecture)

For SunOS 4.1.3 users, the FrontPage Server Extensions are available for the following servers:

Netscape Communications Server
Open Market Web Server

To download and install the FrontPage Server Extensions for SunOS 4.1.3, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the user agreement form at the following URL:
  2. Download the UNIXReadMe.txt file that has general information about installing the FrontPage Server Extensions:
  3. Download the server extensions from the following URLs. The vt11.sunos.tar file is 8.3MB, and the vt11.sunos.tar.Z file is 4.3MB:
  4. Install and configure the FrontPage Server Extensions as outlined in the readme files provided with the server extensions.

The Server Extension Files: Where They're At, What They're For

The FrontPage Server Extensions consist of three executable CGI files. When you install FrontPage on your server, the files and directories listed below are installed. For the Personal Web Server, these files are in the \FrontPage Webs\Server subdirectories. For UNIX systems, the files are installed in the /usr/local/frontpage directory.

/_vti_adm/admin.exeThe CGI executable file that controls all administrator operations.
/_vti_aut/author.exeThe CGI executable file that controls all author operations.
/_vti_bin/shtml.exeThe CGI executable file that controls all browse-time behavior. All forms using Web bots refer to this file.
/Bin/fpsrvadm.exeThe FrontPage Server Administrator program, used to install and uninstall the server extensions.

The content directories (located in \FrontPage Webs\Content for Windows users) contain the following files and directories:

/_privateUsed to store pages that aren't normally visible to browsers.
/cgi-binFor executable pages and custom CGI scripts.
/imagesThe directory for storing Web images.

Each content directory containing pages also has the following subdirectories:

/_vti_bin/This directory and its subdirectories contain the Front Page Server Extension executable files (described previously).
/_vti_cnf/A corresponding .htm file exists for each page in the Web. These files use the same names as the Web pages in the Web. They contain any name/value pairs (such as author's name and registered users). If the file isn't present, it's re-created when necessary.
/_vti_pvt/_x_todo.htmThe Web's To Do List.
/_vti_pvt/_x_todoh.htmThe Web's To Do List history.
/_vti_pvt/deptodoc.btrDependency database for the Web.
/_vti_pvt/doctodep.btrDependency database for the Web.
/_vti_pvt/service.cnfMeta-information for the Web, including information set with the Tools | Web Settings command.
/_vti_pvt/services.cnfContained in the root web only; has a list of subwebs.
/_vti_shm/For each page containing Web bots, two files are kept. The source file is stored here. The expanded version is placed in the parent directory (the Web directory).
/_vti_txt/Text indexes for the pages in the Web site are placed in this directory.
/cgi-bin For executable pages and custom CGI scripts.
/imagesThe directory for storing Web images.

Workshop Wrap-Up

You now know some of the basics about the FrontPage Server Extensions. For additional information, visit Microsoft's site, where the most recent information about the server extensions are kept.

Chapter Summary

In this chapter, you have learned how to configure the FrontPage Personal Web Server, how to enable and disable authoring, how to assign server administrators, and how to add proxy servers. You have also learned about the other platforms and servers for which the FrontPage Server Extensions are available.

Next Steps

You can find the most recent information by following links to the MSOffice or FrontPage sections of the Web. appendix C, "Directory of Resources," lists where you can find these directories, as well as other places you can go for help.


Q:If my service provider doesn't have the FrontPage Server Extensions, do I have to keep all those other files and directories on my computer?
A:Yes, you probably should. The server extensions keep track of where things are located in your Web site, run the bots, assign authors and administrators, and maintain your directory relationships. They also keep track of the pages you're designing on your Webs and the FrontPage features used within them. Without the server extensions, the FrontPage Editor loses a lot of capability.
Q:If my service provider uses the FrontPage Server Extensions, do I need any files from its version on my local computer?
A:No, you don't. The server extension files are consistent from platform to platform, except that they're unique to the operating system used.
Q:When I transfer my web to my service provider's site, will my server extensions overwrite theirs?
A:No. When you copy a web to your remote site, the only files transferred are those in the /Content directories (your web pages, images, and other related files in your web). The server extensions reside in the /Server directories and aren't part of the transfer.