Chapter 14

Automating Pages with Bots


As your Web grows-and it will-it becomes difficult to keep track of the content that you want to include on your pages. You find yourself using the same contact information or navigation links repeatedly on your pages. At times, you forget about a page or a graphic that you wanted to place on your site on a certain date, only to remember it weeks later. You forget to add new pages to your table of contents, and it soon becomes incomplete. When you move your Web site, you must change all the pages that have your contact information on them.

There is an easier way to handle these situations. FrontPage's bots help automate your pages so that you can keep these situations well under control.

What Is a Bot?

Advanced Web page developers use custom scripts to automate or enhance their pages. These scripts are written in languages such as CGI, Perl, Java, JavaScript, and VBScript. For the novice Web page designer, learning how to do this can be time- consuming. It can seem like an insurmountable task.

Through the use of bots, FrontPage enables even novice Web page designers to use advanced features that are usually handled with scripts. These bots are basically custom-made scripts that are configured to perform certain tasks. With FrontPage, you just need to plug in the variables that each bot requires, and you are on the way to automating your pages.

Creating the Web for This Chapter

The CD-ROM furnished with this book includes some files for you to work with. Create a new web in the FrontPage Explorer. Import the files into your web as follows:

  1. From the FrontPage Explorer, choose File | New | FrontPage Web. The New FrontPage Web dialog box appears.
  2. Choose Empty Web and click OK. The Empty Web Template dialog box appears.
  3. In the Name of New FrontPage Web field, enter Chap14. Click OK. If the Name and Password Required dialog box appears, enter your name and password in the appropriate fields. Then choose OK. The web appears in the FrontPage Editor.
  4. From the home directory of the web, choose File | Import. The Import File to FrontPage Web dialog box appears.
  5. Click Add File. The Add File to Import List dialog box appears.
  6. Locate the directory on the CD-ROM that contains the files for this chapter. Highlight the following files:
  7. Click Open. You return to the Import File to FrontPage Web dialog box. Choose OK to import the files.
  8. After the Web pages import into your web, select the images folder from the All Folders view in the FrontPage Explorer. Choose File | Import again. The Import File to FrontPage Web dialog box appears.
  9. Click Add File. The Add File to Import List dialog box opens to the same directory in which the Web pages were located.
  10. Highlight the following graphics and click Open. They appear in your import list:
  11. Click OK. The graphics appear in your images directory. You're all set to complete the tasks in this chapter.

Bots Basics

You can use the bots discussed in this chapter regardless of whether your ISP has the FrontPage Server Extensions installed on its server. You can use these bots to enhance your pages so that making changes down the road is extremely easier.

Include Bot

As you design your pages, you often enter the same information on several pages. Examples of repetitive information include

It is easy to cut and paste information like this from one page to another. Consider, though, how much work it is to go back and change that information, especially if it appears on dozens of pages. You can use an Include bot to simplify and automate the task.

An Include bot inserts the contents of one page into another page. Rather than change the information on the dozens of pages in which the repeated content appears, you need change it only in the page that gets included in the others. If you study the pages in the Web templates and wizards, you find Include bots used frequently. They are a real time-saver.

When you use Include bots, note that the page you include must be an HTM or HTML page-in other words, another Web page. You cannot insert a text file, a graphic, or any other type of file using an Include bot. You can, however, place text files, graphics, and other types of contents on a web page and assign that page to an Include bot. In addition, the page you include must exist in your current web. If you include a page from another web on your server, or if you include a page that does not yet exist in your web, a line appears in italic text surrounded by brackets, such as


What you should see after you include another page with the Include bot are the actual contents of that page inserted into your current page. If you do, you know that the Include bot did its job.

Including Pages Within Pages

Using the Include bot is straightforward. It involves only a few steps:

  1. From the FrontPage Editor, choose File | Open (Ctrl+O), or use the Open button on the Standard toolbar. The Open File dialog box appears.
  2. From the Current FrontPage Web tab, highlight monthly.htm (Monthly Newsletter) and click OK. The page opens in the FrontPage Editor.
  3. Position the insertion point at the end of the title in the right cell in the frame that reads Here's What's Happening This Month!
  4. Choose Insert | WebBot Component. The Insert WebBot Component dialog box appears.
  5. Highlight Include and click OK. The WebBot Include Component Properties dialog box, shown in Figure 14.1, appears.
    Figure 14.1 : Include the contents of another page with the WebBot Include Component Properties dialog box. The contents of the referenced page appear in your current page.

  6. Click the Browse button to choose a page from your current web. The Current Web dialog box appears.

The Browse button is not highlighted if you don't have a web open in the FrontPage Explorer.

  1. Double-click index.htm or highlight it and click OK. You return to the WebBot Include Component Properties dialog box.
  2. Choose OK again. The page that you selected in the Include bot appears on your page. This page contains links to the other pages that you imported into your web.

Consider placing content that is included in other pages with the Include, Scheduled Include, and Scheduled Image bots in your web's _private directory. This directory serves as a storage area for pages and content to which you do not want to provide public access.

Editing Included Pages

You might decide at a later point to include a different page in an Include bot that has already been configured. To revise the Include bot so that it includes a different page, follow these steps:

  1. Move the cursor over the text of the current included page, where it becomes a bot cursor.
  2. Double-click to open the WebBot Include Component Properties dialog box.
  3. Use the Browse button to open the Current Web dialog box. The button is disabled if you don't have a web open in the FrontPage Explorer.
  4. Select another page from those in your current web, and click OK to return to the WebBot Include Component Properties dialog box.
  5. Click OK to return to the FrontPage Editor. The contents of the new included page appear on your current page.

If you want to edit the page contents of an included page, you must open the originating page. You can open the page by selecting the Include bot:

  1. Move the mouse over the contents of the included page. The mouse pointer becomes a bot pointer.
  2. Click the Include bot to highlight it.
  3. Right-click and choose Open Webpage.htm from the pop-up menu, where Webpage.htm is the name of the originating file. The page must already be saved to your current web for this to work. Figure 14.2 shows an example.
    Figure 14.2 : Navigate to the included page by using the pop-up menu.

  4. After the originating page appears in the FrontPage Editor, make the changes and save the edited page to your current web.
  5. Return to the page that contains the Include bot. Use the View | Refresh command or the Refresh icon on the Standard toolbar to view the updates in the page.

Following Links on Included Pages

A common use for Include bots is to place the same navigation links on many pages, as you just did in the previous task. If you try to follow a link from an included navigation links page, you see the bot pointer appear when you position your mouse cursor over any of the links on the included page. To follow these links, you must open the original navigation links page. You can follow a link from an included navigation links page as follows:

  1. Move the mouse over the contents of the included navigation links page. The mouse pointer becomes a bot pointer.
  2. Click the Include bot to highlight it. It appears in inverse video.
  3. Right-click and choose Open Webpage.htm from the pop-up menu, where Webpage.htm is the name of your navigation links page. The navigation links page appears in the FrontPage Editor.
  4. Place the insertion point anywhere in the link that you want to follow. Choose Tools | Follow Hyperlink. The linked page that you want to view appears in the FrontPage Editor.

Scheduled Include Bot

Suppose that you want to post information on your web on a certain date. Eventually that day goes by, and you forgot to include the page on the site. FrontPage provides a way to help you avoid this situation effortlessly: the Scheduled Include bot.

The Scheduled Include bot is similar to the standard Include bot, except that you can specify a date range in which the page appears in your web. You prepare your pages beforehand and specify the date when they are posted to your web. The page displays on your site until the end date specified in the Scheduled Include bot.

Scheduled Include bots and Scheduled Image bots require proper timing. They execute only if changes occur to the web. Because of this, you are advised to make daily changes to your web. The help file suggests incrementing the value of a configuration variable. Use the FrontPage Explorer's Tools | Web Settings command and specify a variable with the Parameters tab of the Web Settings dialog box.

You might want to use Scheduled Include bots for

Inserting Content at Specified Times

To insert a scheduled page into your web on a specified date, you need to create a master page to holds its contents, such as the Monthly Newsletter page you currently have open in the FrontPage Editor.

To display a page in your web on a given date and for a specified length of time, use the Scheduled Include bot. To add a Scheduled Include bot to the Monthly Newsletter Page, follow these steps:

  1. Position the insertion point at the end of the comment that appears in the right frame in the table.
  2. Choose Insert | WebBot Component. The Insert WebBot Component dialog box appears.
  3. Highlight Scheduled Include and choose OK. The WebBot Scheduled Include Component Properties dialog box, shown in Figure 14.3, appears.
    Figure 14.3 : Use the Scheduled Include Bot to place the contents of a page into your web at a specified time.

  4. Enter the URL of a page in your current web in the "Page URL to include" field, or click the Browse button to select a page from the currently open web. After you select the file, choose OK to return to the WebBot Scheduled Include Component Properties dialog box. For the example in this task, enter jan97news.htm. The page does not yet exist in your web. You can create a Scheduled Include page any time (as long as you create it before the Scheduled Include date starts, that is!).
  5. In the "Starting date and time" field, you specify the date and time that you want the page to appear in your web. You want the newsletter to appear on the first of January. Use the sliders in the Year, Month, Day, and Time fields, respectively, to enter the following date and time:
    1997 Jan 01 12:00:00 AM
  6. In a similar manner, use the sliders in the "Ending date and time" field to specify an end date, as follows:
    1997 Feb 01 12:00:00 AM
  7. You can also add a page URL that is displayed before or after the Scheduled Include page. For example, you could create a page that says "Newsletter coming soon," and title it soon.htm. Then you can display this page before or after the Scheduled Include bot. If you do not specify an alternate page, the user receives an error message indicating that the scheduled page does not appear on the site. Enter the URL of an alternate page in your current Web in the "Optional Page URL to include before or after the given dates" field, or click the Browse button to select one from your currently opened web.
  8. Click OK. If you create the page before or after the Scheduled Include date and time, you see either the alternate page or the following text, as shown in Figure 14.4:
    Figure 14.4 : If you add the Scheduled Include bot before the scheduled time, you see an [Expired Scheduled Include] statement.

    [Expired Scheduled Include]

If you see [Expired Scheduled Include] during the time period specified by the Scheduled Include bot, the page that you included might not exist in your current web. Verify the name of the included file, or check to see if a file by that name exists in your current web.

If you open the page in the FrontPage Editor during the time period specified by a Scheduled Include bot, you see the contents of the page you specified in the bot.

Scheduled Image Bot

The Scheduled Image bot is similar to the Scheduled Include bot, except that it places an image on a page during a specified time period. Use it to display, for example, calendar graphics or an image of the week. The same rules and cautions applicable to a Scheduled Include bot apply here as well.

Inserting Images at Specified Times

You can insert a Scheduled Image bot anywhere on a page. Note that you cannot apply image formatting to a scheduled image after it is placed on your page, for you cannot access the Image Properties dialog box. Apply image transparency or hotspots to an image before you place it on the page with a Scheduled Image bot. You can, however, place an image on a Web page and use a Scheduled Include bot instead.

To insert a scheduled image on a page, perform the following steps:

  1. Position the insertion point at the end of the comment in the left table cell.
  2. Choose Insert | WebBot Component. The Insert WebBot Component dialog box appears.
  3. Highlight Scheduled Image and choose OK. The Scheduled Image WebBot Component Properties dialog box, shown in Figure 14.5, appears. It is similar to the WebBot Scheduled Include Component Properties dialog box.
    Figure 14.5 : Use the Scheduled Image WebBot Component Properties dialog box to place a scheduled image on your page.

  4. Enter the URL of an image in your current web in the "Image to include" field, or click the Browse button to select an image from the currently open web. For this example, highlight jan97.gif and choose OK. You return to the Scheduled Image WebBot Component Properties dialog box.
  5. In the "Starting date and time" field, you specify the date and time that you want the image to appear in your web. You want the calendar to appear on the first of January. Use the sliders in the Year, Month, Day, and Time fields, respectively, to enter the following date and time:
    1997 Jan 01 12:00:00 AM
  6. In a similar manner, use the sliders in the "Ending date and time" field to specify an end date as follows:
    1997 Feb 01 12:00:00 AM
  7. If you want, add an image URL that is displayed before or after the scheduled image in the "Optional Image to include before or after the given dates" field. Enter the URL of an image in your current web, or click the Browse button to select one from the currently open web.
  8. Click OK. If you create the scheduled image before the scheduled date, you see either the alternate image or the following text, as shown in Figure 14.6:
    Figure 14.6 : The Scheduled Image bot and Scheduled Include bot are configured to display on the same days.

    [Expired Scheduled Image]
    If you open the page in the FrontPage Editor during the time period specified by a Scheduled Image bot, you see the image specified in the bot.

You can insert several Scheduled Image and Scheduled Include bots on your page in advance. For example, you could configure one of each for every month in the year and place them on your page all at once. The bots display the appropriate contents on the dates you configure in the bots.

Substitution Bot

If you are familiar with word processors, you might be aware of the concept of fields. Fields enable you to set up a form letter or a master mailing label, placing variable names in certain locations. The fields are replaced with data set up in a database or another word processing document.

The Substitution bot works almost the same way, although the variables that it places on pages are settings applicable to the current web. It enables you to place on your pages the names of generic variables whose contents are replaced with values specified in the Web configuration settings.

Suppose that you design a product data sheet that you want to use as a template for several different companies or for divisions of a company. You want to save this page as a template that can be used in many instances. On this page, you place Substitution bots with the following values:





When you create a web for the company, you configure the Web settings to specify the information that is placed on these fields in your pages.

Another good use for the Substitution bot is to place your own contact information on your pages. You might move, change Internet service providers, or upgrade your Web site with your own domain name. If you placed your contact information on dozens or hundreds of pages without using Substitution bots, you have many page changes ahead of you. Using Substitution bots for this information enables you to enter the changes only once-in your Web configuration settings. After that, if you store your pages on a remote site, it is just a matter of transferring them to your remote web.

Substitution bots need configuration variables associated with them. In this chapter, you learn how to add general configuration variables in your Web settings. You can also add configuration variables to forms, as discussed in Chapter 22.

To add a configuration variable to your Web settings, you need to have access to the web as an administrator. If you use FrontPage on your own personal computer, you established administrator status when you installed FrontPage under the typical installation procedures, through the FrontPage Server Administrator.
If you are working in a multi-author environment, you might not have administrator status and might be unable to perform all the steps in the following task. Find out from your Web administrator the names of the configuration variables that you can use.

Entering Substitution Bots

In this task, you complete a footer that can be inserted into several pages. The footer is designed to substitute your actual contact information with the values specified in Web settings. Perform the following steps:

  1. From the FrontPage Editor, choose File | Open. The Open File dialog box appears.
  2. From the list of pages in your current web, open the Included Footer page (included.htm). Highlight the file and choose OK. The page opens in the FrontPage Editor.
  3. Click just before the line break in the first line.
  4. Choose Insert | WebBot Component. The Insert WebBot Component dialog box appears.
  5. Highlight Substitution and click OK. The WebBot Substitution Component Properties dialog box, shown in Figure 14.7, appears.
    Figure 14.7 : Use Substitution bots to place variable names on your pages.

  6. In the "Substitute with" field, enter a variable name that describes the variable that you want to insert. This text cannot contain any spaces or colons. Although the WebBot Substitution Component Properties dialog box accepts spaces and colons, the Substitution bots might not work properly. For this example, enter the following text and choose OK to return to the FrontPage Editor:
  7. Position the insertion point after the word contact on the second line. Choose Insert | WebBot Component again.
  8. Highlight Substitution and click OK. The WebBot Substitution Properties dialog box appears. In the "Substitute with" field, enter webmaster and click OK. The second Substitution bot appears on your page. If the configuration variable exists in your Web settings, the value set for it appears on the page instead.

Four configuration variables are standard to every web or page created in FrontPage:
     AuthorReplaced with the name of the author who created the page. The author name is based on the name as entered in the FrontPage Server Administrator or with the Tools | Permissions command, where spaces are not allowed in the name.
     ModifiedByReplaced with the name of the author who most recently modified the page.
     Description Replaced with a description of the current page as entered in the Comments field of the Properties dialog box.
     Page-URLReplaced with the page URL of the page.
You can view the values of each configuration variable from the FrontPage Explorer. Highlight the page whose properties you want to view, and choose Edit | Properties.

Adding the Configuration Variables

Now you need to add the configuration variable for the authorname and webmaster Substitution bots to your web:

  1. Open the FrontPage Explorer. Choose Tools | Web Settings. The FrontPage Web Settings dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Parameters tab.
  3. Click the Add button. The Add Name and Value dialog box, shown in Figure 14.8, appears.
    Figure 14.8 : Use the Add Name and Value dialog box to add the configuration variable for the Substitution bot to the web.

  4. In the Name field, enter
  5. In the Value field, enter your name. Click OK to exit the Add Name and Value dialog box. The variable appears in the Parameters tab of the Web Settings dialog box.
  6. Click the Add button again. Enter webmaster in the Name field, and your e-mail address in the Value field.
  7. Click the Apply button in the Web Settings dialog box.
  8. Click OK to exit the dialog box and return to the FrontPage Explorer. The configuration variables become an option that you can select from the drop-down menu in the Substitution Bot Properties dialog box.
  9. Return to the footer page in the FrontPage Editor, and click the Refresh button on the Standard toolbar. FrontPage asks if you want to save the changes to the included footer. Answer Yes. When the page refreshes, you see the configuration variables you entered in the footer in place of the Substitution bots, as shown in Figure 14.9.
    Figure 14.9 : The configuration variable information now appears in place of the Substitution bots.

Table of Contents Bot

The Table of Contents bot enables you to generate a list of the pages that appear in your Web site automatically. Any pages in your web that appear beneath that page are listed in the table of contents in a hierarchical manner using nested lists. You can include-or not include-pages that cannot be reached by following links from the page you designate as the starting point for your table of contents.

You do not have to generate a table of contents from your home page; it can start from any page that appears in your web. For example, if your home page provides links to several different sections, some of which you do not want to include in the table of contents, you can automatically generate a table of contents that starts at the beginning of each of the sections you do want to include. Multiple Table of Contents bots can appear on a single page, each generating contents that begin at a specified page.

Generating an Automatic Table of Contents

When you generate a table of contents using the Table of Contents bot, it inserts a generic heading and three dummy links on your page. That is what you see in the FrontPage Editor. Your first reaction is probably that you did something wrong. When you open a Web browser and navigate to the page while your server is running, however, you see the results.

To insert a table of contents on a page, do the following:

  1. From the FrontPage Editor, choose File | Open (Ctrl+O), or choose the Open button on the Standard toolbar. The Open File dialog box appears.
  2. Highlight the tocbot.htm (Table of Contents Bot) page, and choose OK. The page opens in the FrontPage Editor.
  3. This page is blank at the present time. Insert a Table of Contents bot on this page to see how it works. Position the insertion point at the upper-left corner of the page.
  4. Choose Insert | WebBot Component. The Insert WebBot Component dialog box appears.
  5. Highlight Table of Contents and click OK. The WebBot Table of Contents Component Properties dialog box, shown in Figure 14.10, appears.
    Figure 14.10 : Use the WebBot Table of Contents Component Properties dialog box to choose options for your table of contents.

  6. In the "Page URL for Starting Point of Table" field, type the name of the page from which you want to begin generating the table of contents, or click the Browse button to choose a page from the currently open web. By default, the table of contents begins with your home page (index.htm). Leave this value as is for the example.
    Specifying your home page as the starting point generates a table of contents that lists all the pages in your web. If you do not want to include all the pages in your table of contents, you can designate another page in your web to begin the table of contents. For example, if you have several links pages that originate back to a page titled links.htm, you can begin the table of contents with that originating page.
  7. In the Heading Size field, select a heading size for the first entry in the table of contents. The default size is Heading 2. Choose "none" if you do not want a heading to appear.
  8. Select one or more of the following options:
  9. Click OK to exit the dialog box. The Table of Contents bot appears on your page, showing three dummy links. Figure 14.11 shows an example.
    Figure 14.11 : In the FrontPage Editor, the table of contents appears to be incomplete.

  10. Choose File | Save (Ctrl+S), or click the Save button to save your table of contents page to your web.

To view the table of contents in your browser, choose File | Preview in Browser. The Preview in Browser dialog box appears. From the Browser list, select the browser that you want to preview the table of contents in. Select a Window Size (Default, 640×480, 800×600, or 1024×768). Then, click Preview. The page opens in your browser.

The browser loads the table of contents page, and you can see each page listed, beginning with the page that you specified in the Table of Contents Bot Properties dialog box. The pages are listed in the table of contents by their title, as shown in Figure 14.12.

Figure 14.12 : When you view the table of contents in a Web browser, the titles of the pages appear.

If you have difficulties viewing the table of contents page in your browser, one of two things may remedy this situation. First, verify that the table of contents page and other open pages in the FrontPage Editor are saved to your current web. Secondly, resave the table of contents page if you have added or changed any pages since you last saved it. This causes the Table of Contents bot to regenerate the page list. Check in the FrontPage Explorer's Outline view to see if the pages appear beneath the table of contents page. If they do, you should be able to view them in your browser as well.

Timestamp Bot

The Timestamp bot helps you and visitors to your site keep track of the date when a page was most recently updated-manually or automatically. In most cases, you specify manual updating. Sometimes, however, you might want to specify automatic updating.

Include a Timestamp bot at the beginning of your pages. This tells users whether your pages have changed since their last visit.

Indicating When a Page Was Last Revised

You should still have the table of contents page open in your browser. That's as good a place as any to add a Timestamp bot.

To place a Timestamp bot on your page, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Table of Contents bot on the page, and press Ctrl+Enter. The insertion point moves to the beginning of the page.

You can use Ctrl+Enter to reach the beginning of a page any time there is a bot placed on your page right at its beginning.

  1. On the top line in the page, enter some text that appears before the timestamp. For example, enter
    This page was last updated on (followed by a space)
  2. Choose Insert | WebBot Component. From the Insert WebBot Component dialog box, choose Timestamp and click OK. The WebBot Timestamp Component Properties dialog box, shown in Figure 14.13, appears.
    Figure 14.13 : Use the WebBot Timestamp Component Properties dialog box to choose date and time options for the timestamp.

  3. In the Display field, choose one of the following options:
  4. In the Date Format field, choose the format for displaying the date on your pages from the drop-down menu.
  5. If you also want to specify the time when your page was last updated, choose a time format from the Time Format drop-down menu.
  6. Click OK. The timestamp appears on your page, as in Figure 14.14. The timestamp regenerates any time you regenerate the web or save the table of contents page to your web.
    Figure 14.14 : The timestamp appears on your page and updates whenever a new version of the page is saved to your web.

Workshop Wrap-Up

Now you have solutions to the problems described at the beginning of this chapter. You can use FrontPage bots to resolve the issues quickly and easily. Bots allow you to avoid repetitive typing of links or other text, schedule Web content, and automatically keep track of all the pages in your web. Your Web creation tasks are greatly simplified, and making changes to your Web site in the future requires less time to complete.

In this chapter, you learned about the basic bots available to you in FrontPage. Using them, you can automate your pages in several different ways. You learned how to include content from one page in another, schedule content and images to appear in your web at specified times, generate a table of contents automatically, use and apply configuration variables to your webs, and advise yourself and others when changes were last made to your pages. Automating your pages in this manner involves only a few steps, and it makes your work much easier down the road.

Next Steps

In the next chapter, you learn how to use other editors in conjunction with the FrontPage Editor to edit other types of content within FrontPage. For more information on the subjects covered in this chapter, consult the following chapters:


Q:Can I use these bots without using the FrontPage Explorer?
A:Many of the bots rely on links to pages that exist in the current web. This means the FrontPage Explorer must be open to the web that holds the pages with which you are working.
Q:How do these bots work if my service provider does not have the FrontPage Server Extensions?
A:When you view the HTML code-source or generated-using the View | HTML command in the FrontPage Editor, you see references to bots placed in your code. However, if you view the source code of the same page through a Web browser, you see quite a difference. The contents inserted with bots become an integral part of the page. References to the bots are stripped out. For this reason, you should keep a copy of your pages in your FrontPage web if you plan to make changes to them. When you import your Web pages into your web from your server, you need to insert the bots again to bring them back to automation status.
Q:I put a Timestamp bot in a footer and used the Include bot to place it on several pages. When I changed some of the pages that included the footer, the dates were not updated. In fact, the dates weren't there at all! What happened?
A:The Timestamp bot updates when you change a page. In this case, however, the timestamp is tied to the footer-not to the page on which it is included. If you place a Timestamp bot on your pages with an Include bot, the date does not change unless you save the footer again. This might place an incorrect date on all the pages in which the timestamp is included. Rather than use an Include bot to place a Timestamp bot on several pages, place the timestamp on each page individually.
Q:I put a header graphic and some navigation links into an Include bot and want to add a link back to the top of the page, but I can't assign the top bookmark to the Include bot. Is there a way around this?
A:Well, there is a sneaky way, but it adds an extra line to the top of your page. Enter a line of text at the very top of the page that says top. Assign the top bookmark to it, and then use the Text Color button to make the text the same color as your background. If you use a background image for your page, just enter a period and assign the top bookmark to it. It's cheap and dirty, but it works. Of course, you can also edit the code manually, as discussed in Chapter 17, "Using Your Own HTML Code."
Q:I inserted a logo at the beginning of my page by using an Include bot. I want to add something before it. I cannot place the cursor at the beginning of the page now. How do I do that?
A:To place the cursor before the Include bot, select the Include bot so that it appears in inverse video. Then press Ctrl+Enter. This places the cursor on a new line above the Include bot. The new line is formatted as a normal paragraph.