Chapter 1

Getting Started


If you're reading this book, you're probably already somewhat familiar with the Internet. The fastest growing part of the Internet is the World Wide Web. Most people don't become interested in designing their own Web pages unless they have seen pages created by others. You realize that the Internet is a great way to tell the world about yourself or your company. This book shows you some ways to do just that.

You have the right development tool in FrontPage-it's a powerful, well-thought-out product. FrontPage should satisfy the novice in its simplicity and ease of use. You'll be amazed at how easy FrontPage makes it to produce professional-looking Web pages. FrontPage also appeals to the more experienced Web-page developer in its support of extended features and custom code. Get ready to learn how to develop and manage Web sites the easy way!

Planning Your Site

There is no doubt about it-it takes some planning to create a good Web site. Before you start designing your pages, think about what you want to accomplish with your site and how the content should be organized. The things you should consider when you sit down to plan your site are the type of audience you are targeting the site for, the topics and areas you want to focus on, and the features you want to include in your pages.

Who Is Your Audience?

If you want to build your corporate site to attract customers or increase consumer interest, consider what appeals to that audience the most. Would your site be better represented by clean, professional pages with a limited amount of graphics and multimedia, or would flash and style catch their attention and pique their interest more? If your site is targeted for a mixed audience, how should the content be arranged? Do you need areas for internal business use, as well as areas for public information and feedback?

If you're designing a personal site, chances are that you want your site to appeal to others who have interests that are similar to your own. The nice thing about designing a personal site is that you can put anything you want on your pages. Unfortunately, it's also harder to decide what to focus on-hence, the next topic.

What Is Your Focus?

Corporate and business Web designers have an easier time of deciding the focus of a Web site. A corporate site can focus on the company's products, services, customer relations, employee project coordination, and more. FrontPage offers many templates and wizards that help in this regard and get corporate sites off and running in no time. This book describes how and when to use them all.

When it comes to designing a personal site, however, it is not quite as easy to choose the focus of your site. It is one of the first obstacles that you have to face. Once you hear that you have 1, 5, or even 25 megabytes of space to store pages on your server, you are in a quandary over what to fill them with. Most personal Web sites focus on one or more topics of interest, with each topic organized in a group of pages that make up one section of a Web.

Your home page typically welcomes people to your site and explains what it is about, but you can use it as a gateway to much else. If you cannot think of anything more than filling your site with pictures of your kids and pets, here are some ideas:

If you do not have a scanner or access to one, but have a CD-ROM drive, ask your photo shop to put your photographs on a photo CD. Many shareware and commercial graphics programs support the Photo-CD format.

What Features Do Browsers Support?

The most popular browser on the Internet is Netscape Navigator 3.0. Following behind and gaining ground in the browser battle is Internet Explorer 3.0. In their latest releases, both of these browsers support Netscape Plug-Ins, Java, JavaScript, animation, sound, tables, and more. Internet Explorer 3.0 supports ActiveX, as does Netscape 3.0 through third-party plug-ins. Not all browsers support these features. Those are the types of features that make a site really stand out among the crowd. To keep track of the features that are supported by the vast collection of browsers, drop in on BrowserWatch, shown in Figure 1.2. The BrowserWatch keeps track of the latest versions of all known browsers, and also tracks Netscape Plug-Ins, ActiveX controls, and more. You can find them at

Figure 1.2 : Keep tabs on the latest browsers and the features they support at BrowserWatch.

When you design your site, be aware that some features are browser-specific. If you do use features that are targeted more toward one browser, mention that browser on your site and provide a link to download it. At the same time, provide alternative content that can be viewed in lieu of your browser-specific pages for those who prefer to stick with their current browser.

Bear in mind, as you design your pages, that each visitor who navigates to your site can control how he or she views your page. A user can customize the text size, font, color, link colors, viewing of graphics, and more in his or her browser. There isn't much you can do about this except be aware that it happens and offer alternatives in case a user chooses to turn off the graphics.

Most important, check your pages in several different browsers as you develop them. This is easy to do in FrontPage 97. After you design or implement a feature in your page that you want to check in another browser, simply choose the File | Preview in Browser command from the FrontPage Editor. Select the browser you want to preview the page in, and the resolution of the preview.

Putting It Together

Once you have the basic idea for your Web site down, think about how you want to organize the information. Make it easy for visitors to find their way around your site.

Figure 1.3 shows an example of an initial idea for a personal site. The home page is linked to two main areas, each of which contains pages that discuss the person's areas of interest. Pages about whitewater rafting appear in one section of the Web, and pages about myths and mysteries appear in another section of the Web. Links to both sections appear on the home page. Now that an idea has taken shape, FrontPage can do its job.

Figure 1.3 : Plan your information before you start building your Web site.

Getting Started with FrontPage

You start FrontPage from the Windows 95 Start menu. Choose Microsoft FrontPage. The Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box appears, after which you can choose one of several options.

Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage

The Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box, shown in Figure 1.4, provides a means to create and open webs quickly.

Figure 1.4 : The Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box offers quick access to commonly used Web commands.

Choose one of the following commands from the Open a FrontPage Web section to open a web you have already created. The tasks to complete each of these choices are discussed later in this chapter as indicated below:

Open webname. Webname is the name of the last web on which you worked. See "Opening Your Most Recent Web," later in this chapter.
Open Existing FrontPage Web. See "Opening an Existing FrontPage Web."

Choose one of the following commands from the Create a New FrontPage Web section to create a new FrontPage web on your local or remote server, or your local or network hard drive:

From a Wizard or Template. See "Creating a New FrontPage Web."
With the Import Wizard. See "Creating a Web with the Import Wizard."
Blank FrontPage Web. See "Creating a Normal Web."

Disabling the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage Dialog Box

If you prefer to enter the FrontPage Explorer immediately after starting Microsoft FrontPage, you can disable the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box. Follow these steps:

  1. With the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box open, uncheck the Show Getting Started Dialog checkbox, located at the lower-left corner of the dialog box.
  2. Click Cancel to exit the dialog box and proceed directly to the FrontPage Explorer, or select the options to create or open a web, and click OK. The next time you start FrontPage 97 from the Start menu, the FrontPage Explorer immediately opens.

Enabling the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage Dialog Box

If you have the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box disabled and want to re-enable it, follow these steps:

  1. From the FrontPage Explorer, choose Tools | Options. The Options dialog box appears, opened to the General tab.
  2. In the General FrontPage Explorer Options section, check the Show Getting Started Dialog checkbox.
  3. Click OK to exit the Options dialog box. The next time you start FrontPage, the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box opens again.

Opening Existing Webs

The Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box provides commands to open your most recent web and to open any other FrontPage web that exists on your server or hard drive. You can also open webs from the FrontPage Explorer.

Opening Your Most Recent Web

You can open the most recent Web you worked on in one of two ways:

Opening an Existing FrontPage Web

Use the Open FrontPage Web dialog box, shown in Figure 1.5, to open an existing FrontPage web. You can open this dialog box from the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box or from the FrontPage Explorer.

  1. Open the Open FrontPage Web dialog box in one of two ways:
    From the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box, choose Open Existing FrontPage Web, then click OK or press Enter. The Open FrontPage Web dialog box appears.
    From the FrontPage Explorer, choose File | Open FrontPage Web. The Open FrontPage Web dialog box appears.
  2. In the Web Server or File Location field, choose the server on which you created your web from the drop-down menu.
  3. Check the Connect Using SSL checkbox if you want to connect to a server that supports Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communications.
  4. Click the List Webs button. The names of the existing webs on the server appear in the FrontPage Webs list. (This step might not be necessary if you choose the server from the Web Server or File Location drop-down menu.)
  5. From the FrontPage Webs list, highlight the name of the web you want to open and choose OK. Enter your name and password if the Name and Password Required dialog box appears. The web opens in the FrontPage Explorer.
Figure 1.5 : Select the server and web that you want to open from the Open FrontPage Web dialog box.

The Name and Password Required dialog box appears the first time you open or create a web after starting the FrontPage Explorer. Enter the name and password you configured in the FrontPage Server Administrator while installing FrontPage to your local computer.

Creating New Webs

When you create a new web in FrontPage, you can select from a number of different web templates and wizards. You choose one of the templates and wizards from the New FrontPage Web dialog box, shown in Figure 1.6.

Figure 1.6 : You select the type of web you want to create from the New FrontPage Web dialog box.

Choosing Your Web Server or File Location

FrontPage 97 makes it much easier to create webs with or without using the Personal Web Server. Depending on the way you enter the server name in the template or wizard dialog box, you can create a new web in one of three ways.

If you prefer to develop your pages while online with a remote server that uses the FrontPage Server Extensions, you can enter your server name, as shown in the following example and in Figure 1.7:

Figure 1.7 : Enter the URL of your FrontPage-enabled server if you want to develop or edit pages remotely.

To create a new web on your local computer using the Personal Web Server, enter one of the server names returned to you when you installed FrontPage, or choose the server from the Web Server or File Location drop-down menu. An example is shown in Figure 1.8. You can use entries such as the following:

  1. servername, where servername is the name returned to you by the FrontPage Server Administrator when you set up and installed FrontPage.
  2. localhost.
  3. ###.###.###.###, where the numbers are those returned for your server when you set up and configured FrontPage on your system.
  4., where these numbers are those used to develop your web using localhost.
Figure 1.8 : You do not need to precede the server name with http:// to develop webs on your local computer.

Normally, you enter or choose a server name when you create or open webs. This starts the FrontPage Personal Web Server, which allows you to develop, test, and maintain full-featured webs that utilize all the features of FrontPage. New to FrontPage 97 is the capability to create FrontPage Webs without using the FrontPage Personal Web Server. To do this, you specify a drive and directory on your local or network hard drive in the Web Server or File Location drop-down menu. This option is ideal to choose if you want to develop pages for a Web site that doesn't or won't have the FrontPage Server Extensions. When you create a web on your local or network hard drive, FrontPage converts the directory to a FrontPage web, installing only the files it needs to track your web pages and the features they contain. If your pages contain features that require the FrontPage Server Extensions, they won't function correctly when you preview your pages in a browser. You'll need to manually start the FrontPage Personal Web Server to test them.

If your web is destined to reside on a server that doesn't have the FrontPage Server Extensions installed, avoid using the bots discussed in Chapter 22, "Runtime Bots-The Heartbeat of FrontPage Forms," unless you know how to write and configure scripts of your own.

To create a new web in a directory on your local or network hard drive, enter the file location of a drive and directory which already exist on your local or network hard drive, as shown in Figure 1.9 and as follows:



Figure 1.9 : FrontPage 97 makes it very easy to develop pages without the web server and save them to your local or network hard drive.

Creating a New FrontPage Web

You create a new web in FrontPage by choosing one of the templates or wizards from the New FrontPage Web dialog box, shown earlier in Figure 1.6.

To begin a web from scratch, choose the Normal Web template, which creates a web that contains a blank home page, or the Empty Web template, which contains no pages. The Normal Web is discussed next in "Creating a Normal Web."

Businesses and corporations may find several of the web templates and wizards provided with FrontPage to be of interest. The Corporate Presence Wizard is an ideal way to create a business web site where your products and services are highlighted. The Customer Support Web and the Discussion Web Wizard feature discussion groups which contain threaded messages. The Customer Support Web features pages that provide communications for customer relations, whereas the Project Web features pages for project coordination.

To start a personal web site quickly, choose the Personal Web template. This creates a web that contains a personal home page. As an alternative, you can create an empty web and use the FrontPage Editor's Personal Home Page Wizard to create a customized home page.

The Import Web Wizard helps you import existing Web content into a FrontPage web. This wizard is discussed later in this chapter.

To create a new FrontPage web:

  1. Open the New FrontPage Web dialog box in one of two ways:
    To create a new web from the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box, choose From a Wizard or Template in the Create a New FrontPage Web section, and click OK or press Enter.
    To create a new web from the FrontPage Explorer, choose File | New | FrontPage Web (Ctrl+N), or click the New FrontPage Web button on the toolbar.
  2. From the Template or Wizard field, highlight the template or wizard with which you want to create your web.
  3. To add the new web to the currently opened web, check the Add to the Current Web checkbox. This option will be disabled if you do not have a web opened in the FrontPage Explorer.
  4. Choose OK or press Enter. Based on the option chosen in step 2, a template or wizard dialog box appears, from which you select the server and enter your web name. After you select the server and specify a name for your web, choose OK to create it.

Creating a Normal Web

As just mentioned in "Creating a New FrontPage Web," the Normal Web template features one blank page. This page is typically used to create the home page in your new web. You use the Normal Web Template dialog box, shown in Figure 1.10, to select the server and specify a name for your normal web.

To create a normal web:

  1. Open the Normal Web Template dialog box in one of two ways.
    From the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box, choose Blank FrontPage Web. Then choose OK or press Enter. The Normal Web Template dialog box appears.
    From the FrontPage Explorer, choose File | New | FrontPage Web (or use Ctrl+N or the New FrontPage Web button on the FrontPage Explorer toolbar), and select Normal Web from the New FrontPage Web dialog box. Then choose OK or press Enter. The Normal Web Template dialog box appears.
  2. From the Web Server or File Location drop-down menu, select the server in which you want to create a new web, or enter the name of an existing server or directory on your local hard drive, as discussed previously in "Choosing Your Web Server or File Location."
  3. Check the Connect Using SSL checkbox if you want to connect to a server that supports Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communications.
  4. In the Name of New FrontPage Web field, enter a name for the new Web. Web names must use the character restrictions on your server. Typically, no spaces are allowed.
  5. Choose OK or press Enter. The web appears in the FrontPage Explorer. It contains a single page, titled Home Page and named index.htm by default.
Figure 1.10 : Select the server and name your Normal web in the Normal Web Template dialog box.

Working with Existing Content

When you install FrontPage on a system that contains a previous version of FrontPage, you are given the option to install the client and the server over the previous version or to a new directory. When you install over the previous version, your existing content is automatically imported into FrontPage 97 and converted as necessary. If you choose to install the FrontPage 97 server to a new directory, your existing content directory is left untouched and a new content directory is created. You'll need to import existing content into your new FrontPage content directory.

What if you have already developed Web pages without using FrontPage? How do you bring those pages into FrontPage, so that you can take advantage of the way FrontPage helps you manage your site? In FrontPage 97, it's very easy to do-you use the Import Wizard. The Import Wizard imports files from your local or network hard drive into your FrontPage web. If your web content is located on a remote server, you'll need to use an FTP program such as WS-FTP or CuteFTP to copy your Web pages to your local computer first, duplicating the directory structure of your web pages on your local computer as you do so.

Creating a Web with the Import Wizard

As mentioned in "Creating a New FrontPage Web," the Import Wizard helps you import existing Web content into your FrontPage web. You start the Import Wizard from the Import Web Wizard dialog box, shown in Figure 1.11.

To import existing content using the Import Web Wizard:

  1. Open the Import Web Wizard dialog box in one of two ways.
    From the Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage dialog box, choose With the Import Wizard from the Create a New FrontPage Web field, and choose OK or press Enter.
    From the FrontPage Explorer, choose File | New FrontPage Web (or use Ctrl+N or the New FrontPage Web button on the FrontPage Explorer toolbar). Select Import Web Wizard from the Template or Wizard list in the New FrontPage Web dialog box. Then choose OK or press Enter.
  2. From the Web Server or File Location drop-down menu, select the server in which you want to create a new web, or enter the name of an existing server or directory on your local hard drive, as discussed previously in "Choosing Your Web Server or File Location."
  3. Check the Connect Using SSL checkbox if you want to connect to a server that supports Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communications.
  4. In the Name of New FrontPage Web field, enter a name for the new web. Web names must use the character restrictions on your server. Typically, no spaces are allowed.
  5. Choose OK or press Enter. Enter your administrator name and password if prompted, and choose OK. The first screen of the Import Web Wizard appears.
    Figure 1.11 : Use the Import Web Wizard dialog box to import existing Web content into a FrontPage web.

Using the Import Web Wizard

In the first screen of the Import Web Wizard, shown in Figure 1.12, you select the source directory in which your Web content resides.

To choose your source directory:

  1. In the Source directory field, enter the path on your local or network hard drive which contains the Web content you want to import. If you click the Browse button, the Browse for Folder dialog box appears. Choose the directory or subdirectory from the list and click OK to return to the wizard screen.
  2. Check the Include subdirectories button to import the Web content from all subdirectories beneath that which you selected.
  3. Click Next to proceed to the next wizard screen.
    Figure 1.12 : In the first screen of the Import Web Wizard, you select the directory in which your web pages reside.

The second screen of the Import Web Wizard is the Edit File List screen, shown in Figure 1.13. A list of all the files in the directory and subdirectories you selected appears in the Files list. To complete this screen:

  1. Scroll through the Files list to see if there are any files that you do not want to import into your new web. For example, there might be log files that were created by your FTP program.
  2. To exclude a file from the import list, highlight the file you want to exclude, and click the Exclude button. The file is removed from the import list.
  3. To refresh the list of files in the Files list, click the Refresh button.
  4. Click Next to proceed to the next wizard screen.
    Figure 1.13 : In the second screen of the Import Web Wizard, you select the files that you want to import.

In the final screen of the Import Web Wizard, you are notified that you have answered all the questions.

Using Folder View in the FrontPage Explorer

Folder View, shown in Figure 1.15, displays the details of all the folders and files in your Web. You display your web in Folder View by choosing View | Folder View or by clicking the Folder View button in the FrontPage Explorer toolbar. From Folder View, you can create new folders in your web, rename and move pages, and drag and drop pages to open them in the FrontPage Editor.

Figure 1.15 : Folder View is especially handy when your Web contains many pages, images, and files. A pop-up menu provides access to common commands.

Folder View is divided into two sections. The All Folders section appears at the left of the screen. It lists all the folders in your current FrontPage web. Clicking a folder displays the files contained within it in the Contents section, in the right portion of the screen. From the Contents section, files can be sorted by filename, file title, size, type, modified date, the name of the person who modified the page, or comments for the page. This is quite handy for large webs.

When you right-click on a filename in the Contents view, the pop-up menu shown in Figure 1.15 appears. The following commands appear in this pop-up menu:

Show Hyperlinks. Switches the FrontPage Explorer to Hyperlink View and displays the hyperlinks to and from the page that you selected.
Open. Opens the selected page in the FrontPage Editor.
Open With. Opens the selected page in another editor that has already been configured using the Configure Editors tab of the Options dialog box.
Cut. Cuts the selected pages or content into the Windows clipboard.
Copy. Copies the selected pages or content into the Windows clipboard.
Rename. Renames the selected page or content.
Delete. Deletes the selected page from the Web.
Properties. Opens the Properties dialog box for the selected page.

Creating New Folders

As your web grows, it becomes more and more difficult to keep track of pages if they are all contained in one directory. You can easily organize pages with similar content into their own directories. It is very easy to create new subfolders within your web and move pages into them.

To create a new folder in your current web, follow these steps:

  1. From the FrontPage Explorer, choose View | Folder View, or click the Folder View button from the toolbar.
  2. In the All Folders section, select the folder beneath which you want to create the new subfolder.
  3. Choose File | New | Folder. FrontPage creates a new folder in the Contents window, which is initially named New_Folder. It is surrounded by a bounding box and highlighted, waiting for you to enter a new folder name.
  4. Enter a name for the folder. The folder must be named according to the conventions used by your server, and cannot contain spaces.
  5. Press Enter or click outside the bounding box to apply the name to the folder.

Renaming Pages

In FrontPage 97, it is extremely easy to rename and move files in your web. Files can be renamed by simply clicking on them and editing the name of the file. To move a file to a new directory, simply drag and drop the file into the directory that you want to move it to. FrontPage automatically updates the pages that contain links to the file you're moving-so your links keep working!

To rename a page or file:

  1. From the FrontPage Explorer, choose View | Folder View, or click the Folder View button on the toolbar.
  2. From the Contents window, click on the page you want to rename. If you click on the filename again, or choose Edit | Rename, or press f2, the page name becomes surrounded by a bounding box.
  3. Enter the new page name.
  4. Press Enter or click outside the bounding box to apply the new name to the page. If any pages in your web contain links to this page, FrontPage asks if you want to update the links. Choose Yes to rename the page and update the links, No to rename the page without updating the links (this causes broken links in your web), or Cancel to keep the page name you currently have.

Copying and Moving Pages

You can easily move files or copy files from one folder to another. This is another task that is accomplished in Folder View. To move a page into a new folder, all you need to do is drag and drop, as shown in Figure 1.16.

Figure 1.16 : You can drag and drop one or more files from one folder into another to copy or move them.

To copy or move a file:

  1. From the Contents section of Folder View, highlight the file or files you want to relocate or copy. To select a single file, click on its name. To select a contiguous group of files, click on the first filename and Shift+click on the last filename in the group. To select any multiple files, Ctrl+click on each additional file you want to select.
  2. To move the files into a new folder, click and drag the file or files into the All Folders window, and highlight the folder to which you want to move the files. Release the mouse button.
  3. To create copies of pages in the same folder, click and drag the mouse and release the mouse button in the Contents view of the current folder.
  4. To create copies of pages in another folder, click and drag the file or files into the All Folders window, until the folder to which you want to copy the files is highlighted. Press the Ctrl key to make copies of the files in the new folder.
  5. By default, FrontPage uses the same filenames when you copy files into a different folder. When you copy files into the same folder, FrontPage names copies of files for you. If you copy a file named index.htm, for example, the copy is named index_copy(1).htm. Rename the files appropriately.

Using Hyperlink View in the FrontPage Explorer

Hyperlink View, shown in Figure 1.17, displays the incoming and outgoing links to a page graphically. To display your web in Hyperlink View, use one of two procedures:

The left portion of the screen contains the All Hyperlinks window. Here, your web is displayed in a hierarchical manner. You can expand pages that are preceded by a plus sign to view the pages which it links to. To contract the list, click on a page that is preceded by a minus sign.

The right portion displays the currently selected page in the center of the view. Pages are displayed as icons, with the title of the page labeling the icon. Links to and from the pages are displayed as arrows, and pages that are included within the page are displayed as circles. You can navigate your way through the tree by clicking on a page icon that has a plus sign (+) in its upper-left corner, after which the view expands.

If you right-click on any of the page icons in the right window of Hyperlink View, a pop-up menu appears, giving you quick access to some commonly used commands. Five commands are associated with the Hyperlink pop-up menu:

Move to Center. To display this command in the pop-up menu, select one of the pages that link to or from the page displayed in the center of Link View. Then right-click to open the pop-up menu. This command moves the page that you selected into the center of the Link View and displays its links.
Open. Opens the page in the FrontPage Editor.
Open With. Opens the page in another editor that is configured with the Configure Editors tab in the Options dialog box.
Delete. Deletes the selected page from the Web.
Properties. Opens the Properties dialog box for the selected page.

Changing Your Web Title

You can easily change the name and title of your web, using the Configuration tab in the FrontPage Web Settings dialog box, which is shown in Figure 1.18.

Figure 1.18 : Use the Configuration tab in the FrontPage Web Settings dialog box to change your web name and title.

  1. From the FrontPage Explorer, choose Tools | Web Settings. The FrontPage Web Settings dialog box appears, opened to the Configuration tab.
  2. In the Web Name field, enter the new name for your web. This name cannot contain spaces or punctuation, and must conform to the naming conventions of the server on which it resides.
  3. In the Web Title field, enter a new title for your web.
  4. Click OK or press Enter to exit the FrontPage Web Settings dialog box, or click Apply to modify additional web settings.

Deleting Webs

  1. From the FrontPage Explorer, open the web that you want to delete. The web appears in the FrontPage Explorer.
  2. Choose File | Delete FrontPage Web. The Confirm Delete dialog box appears, asking if you are certain you want to delete the web.
  3. Choose Yes to delete the web, or No to cancel.

Displaying the Status Bar and Toolbar

The FrontPage Explorer has a status bar and a toolbar that can be displayed or hidden.

The status bar is located at the bottom of the FrontPage Explorer workspace and provides brief descriptions of what each menu command or toolbar button accomplishes. To display the status bar in the FrontPage Explorer, choose View | Status Bar. Repeat the command to hide the status bar.

The FrontPage Explorer toolbar, shown in Figure 1.19, is located beneath the Menu List. The buttons on the toolbar provide quick access to the commands you most commonly use in the FrontPage Explorer. From left to right, the commands are: New FrontPage Web, Open FrontPage Web, Cross File Find, Cross File Spelling, Hyperlink View, Folder View, Up One Level, Hyperlinks to Images, Repeated Hyperlinks, Hyperlinks Inside Page, Show FrontPage Editor, Show To Do List, Show Image Editor, Stop, and Help.

Figure 1.19 : The FrontPage Explorer's toolbar provides quick access to the most commonly used commands.

To display the toolbar in the FrontPage Explorer, choose View | Toolbar. Repeat the command to hide the toolbar.

FrontPage Editor Basics

The FrontPage Editor is used to create your Web pages. It is a WYSIWYG editor, meaning that what you see on your page is a good representation of how the page looks on the Web using the most popular browsers. Figure 1.20 shows a Web page with graphics as it appears in the FrontPage Editor. Individual browsers handle certain features differently (tables are a good example), so it's wise to keep a variety of browsers on hand to fully test your pages before you publish them.

Figure 1.20 : You create and edit pages in the FrontPage Editor.

The FrontPage Editor does a great job of conforming to standards and generating "legal" HTML code. It makes your job a lot easier as a result: You can create forms and framesets in a flash, add color and emphasis to text, add images, create image maps and transparent GIFs, and use a host of other great features, all without touching a bit of HTML code. You can view and edit the code, though, by using the View | HTML command in the FrontPage Editor. An example is shown in Figure 1.21.

Figure 1.21 : You can view the code of your pages using the View | HTML command.

To open the FrontPage Editor from the FrontPage Explorer, use one of two methods:

Working with Pages

Throughout this book, you'll use the FrontPage Editor to generate pages that can be saved to your web. You'll learn how to create pages from templates and wizards and how to create pages on your own. The pages range from simple, text-only pages to those with advanced features, such as forms, frames, and tables, that enhance your page layout. You begin each page with the File | New command in the FrontPage Editor. The rest can be as straightforward or as creative as you choose.

Working with Multiple Pages

When you have several pages open at once in the FrontPage Editor, you can arrange the windows to overlap each other or to tile in the FrontPage Editor workspace:

Displaying the Status Bar and Toolbars

Like the FrontPage Explorer, the FrontPage Editor has a status bar and toolbars that can be displayed or hidden.

Displaying the Standard Toolbar

The Standard toolbar, shown in Figure 1.22, provides a quick way to access common page creation and editing commands. From left to right, the commands are: New, Open, Save, Print, Preview in Browser, Check Spelling, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo, Show FrontPage Explorer, Show To Do List, Insert WebBot Component, Insert Table, Insert Image, Create or Edit Hyperlink, Back, Forward, Refresh, Stop, Show/Hide, and Help. To display this toolbar, choose View | Standard Toolbar.

Figure 1.22 : The Standard toolbar.

Displaying the Format Toolbar

The Format toolbar, shown in Figure 1.23, contains buttons that access text and paragraph style formatting commands. From left to right, the commands are: Change Style, Change Font, Increase Text Size, Decrease Text Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Text Color, Align Left, Center, Align Right, Numbered List, Bulleted List, Decrease Indent, and Increase Indent. To display or hide the Format toolbar, choose View | Format Toolbar.

Figure 1.23 : The Format toolbar.

Displaying the Image Toolbar

The Image toolbar, shown in Figure 1.24, provides commands that allow you to create image maps and transparent GIFs. From left to right, the commands are: Select, Rectangle, Circle, Make Transparent, Highlight Hotspots, and Polygon. To display or hide the Image toolbar, choose View | Image Toolbar.

Figure 1.24 : The Image toolbar.

Displaying the Forms Toolbar

The Forms toolbar, shown in Figure 1.25, provides commands that allow you to place form fields on your page. From left to right, the commands are: One-Line Text Box, Scrolling Text Box, Check Box, Radio Button, Push Button, and Drop-Down Menu. To display or hide the Forms toolbar, choose View | Forms Toolbar.

Figure 1.25 : The Forms toolbar.

Displaying the Advanced Toolbar

The Advanced toolbar, shown in Figure 1.26, provides commands that allow you to place advanced features into your web pages. From left to right, the commands are: Insert HTML, Insert ActiveX Control, Database Connector Wizard, Insert Java Applet, Insert Plug-In, and Insert Script. To display or hide the Advanced toolbar, choose View | Advanced Toolbar.

Figure 1.26 : The Advanced toolbar.

Printing Your Pages

FrontPage allows you to print your pages to hardcopy. Before you print the page, you can configure how you want the page to be printed and preview the printout before it goes to your printer.

Previewing a Printed Page

To preview your pages before they are sent to the printer, follow two steps:

  1. Choose File | Print Preview. The pages display in the preview, similar to the way they display in a word processor, and they are paginated and assigned page numbers as required. You can use the buttons on the toolbar to print the page, navigate to the next and previous pages, display one or two pages in the preview, and zoom in or out from the page view.
  2. Click Close when you're done previewing the page.

Printing Your Page

You can print your pages from the FrontPage Explorer. When the pages print, all text and images (with the exception of your background image) are printed. You can preview one or two pages before you print them.

To print your page, use the File | Print command (Ctrl+P). If you need to specify margins or special printing options, complete steps 1, 2, and 3 of the following nine steps:

  1. Choose the File | Page Setup command to specify a header and footer and set up the print margins for your printed pages.
  2. Choose Options from the Print Page Setup dialog box to select printer options from the Print Setup dialog box.
  3. Click OK to close the Print Setup and Print Page Setup dialog boxes.
  4. In the FrontPage Editor, choose File | Print (Ctrl+P) or click the Print button on the Standard toolbar. The Print dialog box appears.
  5. If you want to print your page to a file, choose Print to file from the Printer section; otherwise, skip to the next step.
  6. In the Print range section, choose the range of pages you want to print. Select All to print all pages. Select Pages from and enter the starting and ending numbers of the pages to print a range of pages.
  7. In the Copies section, choose the number of copies of the page you want to print.
  8. Click Collate if you want to collate multiple printouts (printer must support collation).
  9. Click OK.

Workshop Wrap-Up

Now you have a general idea of what the FrontPage Explorer and the FrontPage Editor do and how they work together to help you manage and build your Web site. You'll learn far more in the rest of this book about how to use these tools to build your own Web sites.

This chapter introduced you to the FrontPage Explorer and the FrontPage Editor. You learned how you can use them together to build a Web site on your local computer, how to import existing content into your Webs, and how to print your Web pages to your printer.

Next Steps

The chapters in this book are arranged in five sections that guide you from the most basic steps to publishing your Web pages on the Internet. In brief, you learn the following in each section:


Q:Do I have to use the FrontPage Explorer while I develop my Web site?
A:You don't have to, but allow me to say thisÉtry it, you might like it! Once you learn how easy it is to manage your Web site with the FrontPage Explorer, there may be no turning back.
Q:What makes the FrontPage Server Extensions so special, and why are they necessary?
A:The FrontPage Server Extensions allow you to apply advanced features to your Web site without programming. Features like discussion groups, searches, and access permissions are implemented through the Server Extensions. These features might otherwise require you to write custom scripts. Chapter 27, "Working with the FrontPage Servers," provides more details on this topic.
Q:Do I have to use a provider that has the FrontPage Server Extensions?
A:Not necessarily, but if you're new to web development and want to use advanced features on your site (like forms), you can implement them without a lick of programming by using any of the FrontPage bots and selecting a service provider that has the FrontPage Server Extensions. Of course, you can always be adventurous and learn how to implement the other advanced features yourself!